Table of Contents

Big Data (BIGQ)

Big Data is the name of an additional questionnaire performed in collaboration with the department of epidemiology at the UMC Groningen and the department of Social Psychology at the University of Groningen, aimed to acquire insights into the differences between participants and refusers of participation in a Dutch population-based biobank (i.e., Lifelines).

The Big Data variables are available for use for all researchers and can be requested through the catalogue. Questions to the contact person of the additional questionnaire can be asked through Lifelines (e-mail Similar data on refusers of Lifelines participation is available after approval of the research team and per request to the contact person.

When the BIGQ data has been used in your research, you will have to include the following references:

Protocol & response

In March - May 2018, Lifelines invited ~7,000 adult participants to participate in the additional digital questionnaire.
~2,200 participants responded (31,4%).


The large part of BIGQ variables fall into the subsection Values, beliefs, priorities.

In addition, some questions were asked from the following subsections: