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1a_questionnaire_1 [2020/03/10 09:19]
1a_questionnaire_1 [2022/07/04 17:08] (current)
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 Adult and elderly Lifelines participants participating in general assessment [[1A]] (“Baseline”) received two questionnaires on paper, 1A Questionnaire 1 and [[1A Questionnaire 2]].\\ Adult and elderly Lifelines participants participating in general assessment [[1A]] (“Baseline”) received two questionnaires on paper, 1A Questionnaire 1 and [[1A Questionnaire 2]].\\
-1A Q1 was followed by [[1A Visit 1]], on average ​within xx days (+/- yy days).\\ +1A Q1 was followed by [[1A Visit 1]] after, on average, 21 days (SD: ± 33 days).\\ 
-1A Q1 was also followed by [[1A Questionnaire 2]], on average ​within xx weeks (+/- yy weeks).\\ +1A Q1 was followed by [[1A Questionnaire 2]] after, on average, ​53 days (SD: ± 61 days).\\
-1A Q1 and 1A Q2 were followed up by assessment [[1B]]on average within xx months ​(+/1 yy months).\\+
 1A Q1 is procedurally equivalent to [[2A Questionnaire 1]] and [[3A Questionnaire 1]].\\ ​ 1A Q1 is procedurally equivalent to [[2A Questionnaire 1]] and [[3A Questionnaire 1]].\\ ​
-The average time between 1A Q1 and [[2A Questionnaire 1]] was xx months (+/- yy months).\\+The average time between 1A Q1 and [[2A Questionnaire 1]] was 46 months (SD: ± 14 months).\\
 +All questionnaires were filled in on paper:
 +  * 18-64 years old: n = ~140,000
 +  * 65+ years old: n = ~10,000
 1A Q1 contained the following [[sections]] and subsections:​ 1A Q1 contained the following [[sections]] and subsections:​
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 ==== Family Health ====  ​ ==== Family Health ====  ​
-  * [[Familial health|Familial cardiovascular ​diseases]] +  * [[Familial cardiovascular ​disease]] 
-  * [[Familial health|Familial chronic fatigue syndrome]]+  * [[Familial chronic fatigue syndrome]]
 ==== Lifestyle & Environment ====  ​ ==== Lifestyle & Environment ====  ​
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 ==== Mental Health ====  ==== Mental Health ==== 
-  * [[Cognition (general)]] 
   * [[Work psychology (general)]]   * [[Work psychology (general)]]
   * [[Personality (ASI)]]   * [[Personality (ASI)]]
1a_questionnaire_1.1583828384.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/03/10 09:19 by trynke