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Loneliness Scale

The short form of the Loneliness Scale measures subjective social isolation, which is defined as a situation experienced by the participant as one where there is an unpleasant or inadmissible lack of (quality of) certain relationships. It includes situations where the number of existing relationships is smaller than desirable or acceptable, as well as situations where the intimacy wished for has not been realized1).
A manual to analyze the scale can be found here. The scale is used widely in the Netherlands (the original scale is Dutch) but also internationally and has shown good psychometric properties for overall, emotional, and social loneliness that is suitable for large surveys2).

Questions English Questions Dutch Variable Assessment Age
Ik ervaar een leegte om me heen. LONELYSC1 2B QACT 18+
Ik mis mensen om me heen. LONELYSC2 2B QACT 18+
Vaak voel ik me in de steek gelaten. LONELYSC3 2B QACT 18+
Er zijn genoeg mensen op wie ik in geval van narigheid kan terugvallen. LONELYSC4 2B QACT 18+
Ik heb veel mensen op wie ik volledig kan vertrouwen. LONELYSC5 2B QACT 18+
Er zijn voldoende mensen met wie ik me nauw verbonden voel. LONELYSC6 2B QACT 18+
De Jong Gierveld, J. (1989) Personal relationships, social support, and loneliness. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 6, 197-221
De Jong Gierveld, J. & Van Tilburg, T. (2006). A 6-item scale for overall, emotional, and social loneliness: confirmatory tests on survey data. Research on Aging, 28, 582-598
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loneliness_ls.1582187697.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/02/20 09:34 by trynke