Table of Contents


The Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) is a self-report instrument consisting of two 10-item mood scales to measure positive affect (PA) and negative affect (NA). Positive and negative affect are considered as indicators of mental health and psychological wellbeing1).
The 10-item PANAS short form was used in follow-up questionnaire 2B2)


Lifelines participants had to rate the extent to which they had experienced each item during the last four weeks on a 5-point Likert-type scale (not at all, a little, now and then, often or extremely).
Note that three additional affect items (angry, resigned, hopeful) were added in an additional questionnaire on the impact of earthquakes.


The validity of the PANAS is described in detail in the articles provided in the references3)4)5)6)7)

Publications using Lifelines data


Questions English Questions Dutch Code Variable Assessment Age
Indicate the extent you have felt this way over the past 4 weeks. Wilt u bij elk gevoel aangeven hoe vaak u dat in de afgelopen 4 weken gehad hebt?
Interested Geïnteresseerd panas_interested_adu_q_01 PANAS1 1A EARQ 18+
Distressed Bedroefd panas_distressed_adu_q_02 PANAS2 1A EARQ 18+
Excited Opgewonden panas_excited_adu_q_03 PANAS3 1A EARQ 18+
Upset Overstuur panas_upset_adu_q_04 PANAS4 1A 2B EARQ 18+
Strong Sterk panas_strong_adu_q_05 PANAS5 1A EARQ 18+
Guilty Schuldig panas_guilty_adu_q_06 PANAS6 1A EARQ 18+
Scared Angstig panas_scared_adu_q_07 PANAS7 1A 2B EARQ 18+
Hostile Vijandig panas_hostile_adu_q_08 PANAS8 1A 2B EARQ 18+
Enthusiastic Enthousiast panas_enthusiastic_adu_q_09 PANAS9 1A EARQ 18+
Proud Trots panas_proud_adu_q_10 PANAS10 1A 2B EARQ 18+
Irritable Prikkelbaar panas_irritable_adu_q_11 PANAS11 1A EARQ 18+
Alert Alert panas_alert_adu_q_12 PANAS12 1A 2B EARQ 18+
Ashamed Beschaamd panas_ashamed_adu_q_13 PANAS13 1A EARQ 18+
Inspired Geïnspireerd panas_inspired_adu_q_14 PANAS14 1A 2B EARQ 18+
Nervous Nerveus panas_nervous_adu_q_15 PANAS15 1A 2B EARQ 18+
Determined Vastbesloten panas_determined_adu_q_16 PANAS16 1A 2B EARQ 18+
Attentive Aandachtig panas_attentive_adu_q_17 PANAS17 1A 2B EARQ 18+
Jittery Zenuwachtig panas_jittery_adu_q_18 PANAS18 1A EARQ 18+
Active Actief panas_active_adu_q_19 PANAS19 1A 2B EARQ 18+
Afraid Bang panas_afraid_adu_q_20 PANAS20 1A EARQ 18+
Angry Boos EQPANAS21 EARQ 18+
Resigned Gelaten EQPANAS22 EARQ 18+
Hopeful Hoopvol EQPANAS23 EARQ 18+
Watson, D., Clark, L. A., & Tellegen, A. Development and validation of brief measures of positive and negative affect: The PANAS scales. (1988) Journal of Personality and Social Psychology;47:1063–1070.
Thompson E.R. (2007) Development and validation of an internationally reliable short-form of the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS). Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 38(2): 227-242
Crawford J.R., Henry J.D. The Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS): Construct validity, measurement properties and normative data in a large non-clinical sample. (2004) British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 43, Pt 3, 245-265, The British Psychological Society, England
Tellegen A., Watson D., Clark L.A. (1999) On the dimensional and hierarchical structure of affect. Psychological Science, 10, 297-303
Peeters, F. P. M. L., Ponds, R. W. H. M., & Vermeeren, M. T. G. (1996). Affectiviteit en zelfbeoordeling van depressie en angst. Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie, 38, 240-250
Engelen, U., De Peuter, S., Victoir, A., Van Diest, I., & Van den Bergh, O. (2006). Verdere validering van de PANAS en vergelijking van twee Nederlandstalige versies. Gedrag & Gezondheid, 34(2), 89-102
Watson, D., Clark, L. A., & Tellegen, A. Development and validation of brief measures of positive and negative affect: The PANAS scales. (1988) Journal of Personality and Social Psychology;47:1063–1070