====== Wellbeing & subjective health ====== In this [[sections|section]], all variables assessing the wellbeing and subjective health of [[start|Lifelines]] participants are organized under the following subsections:\\ - [[Independence]] (also under: [[Elderly]]) - [[Postnatal wellbeing]] (also under: [[Reproduction & development]]) - [[Emotional affect (PANAS)]] (also under: [[Mental health]]) - [[Quality of Life (RAND)]] - [[Quality of Life (EQ5D)]] - [[Quality of Life (HHIA)]] - related to hearing loss - [[Wellbeing (Covid-19)]] - [[Eye conditions (OQ)|Quality of Life (VFQ)]] - related to loss of vision - [[Life satisfaction (general)]] - [[Life satisfaction (SWLS)]] - [[Self-management (SMAS)]] - [[Social functioning (SPF-IL)]] (also under: [[Mental health]]) - [[Subjective health (general)]] - [[Subjective health (Whitely)]] - [[Work absence]] - [[Psychosocial work environment (COPSOQ)]] - [[Work ability (WAI)]] - [[Work psychology (general)]] - [[Work-home interaction (SWING)]] - [[Work role functioning (WRFQ)]] - [[Health and Work Performance (HPQ)]] - [[Work Productivity and Activity Impairment (WPAI)]] - [[Workday recovery (VBBA)]]