====== Wellbeing (Covid-19) ====== The wellbeing of Lifelines participants during the 2020 Corona crisis was assessed in the context of an [[additional assessments|additional assessment]]: [[COVQ]] ([[sections|section]]: [[Wellbeing & subjective health]]).\\ The following variables were collected: | **Questions English** | **Questions Dutch** | **[covtxx_]** | **Variable** | **COVQ** | | How would you rate your health, generally speaking? | Wat vindt u, over het algemeen genomen, van uw gezondheid? | rand01_adu_q_1 | RAND1 | 1, 2 | | How much have you been concerned about the corona crisis in the past 7/14 days? | Hoeveel zorgen maakte u zich de afgelopen 7/14 dagen over de corona-crisis? | worry_adu_q_1/2_a-g1 | COVID4-5G/_1 | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 15b, 16, 16b, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29 | | I worry about the new variants of the corona virus | Ik maak me zorgen over de nieuwe varianten van het coronavirus | worry_adu_q_1_m | COVID252A | 20, 23 | | I worry about more new variants of the corona virus, because many people choose not to get vaccinated | Ik maak me zorgen over meer nieuwe varianten van het coronavirus, doordat veel mensen kiezen om zich niet te laten vaccineren | worry_adu_q_1_n | COVID252B | 20, 23 | | I worry that too many people are not getting vaccinated | Ik maak me zorgen dat teveel mensen zich niet laten vaccineren | worry_adu_q_1_o | COVID252C | 20, 23, 24, 25 | | I worry about a worldwide outbreak (pandemic) of the corona virus | Ik maak me zorgen over een wereldwijde uitbraak (pandemie) van het coronavirus | worry_adu_q_1_p | COVID252D | 20 | | I worry about a new worldwide outbreak (pandemic) of other infectious diseases | Ik maak me zorgen over een nieuwe wereldwijde uitbraak (pandemie) van andere infectieziekten | worry_adu_q_1_q | COVID252E | 20, 23 | | I worry about people getting sick a second time from a new variant of the corona virus | Ik maak me zorgen dat mensen opnieuw ziek kunnen worden van een nieuwe variant van het coronavirus | worry_adu_q_1_r | COVID252F | 20, 23 | | I am worried that the current vaccinations do not work enough against the new variants of the corona virus | Ik maak me zorgen dat de huidige vaccinaties niet voldoende werken tegen nieuwe varianten van het coronavirus | worry_adu_q_1_s | COVID252G | 20, 23, 24, 25 | | I worry that corona will be among us forever | Ik maak me zorgen dat corona altijd onder ons blijft | worry_adu_q_1_t | COVID252H | 20, 23, 24, 25 | | Covid-19 threatens everyone in the Netherlands | Het coronavirus bedreigt iedereen in Nederland | threat_adu_q_1_a | COVID8 | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 27, 29 | | Since the beginning of the Covid-19 crisis, I see others in my area, such as people in the neighborhood or in shops, as a threat to my well-being | Sinds de uitbraak van de corona-crisis zie ik anderen in mijn omgeving, zoals mensen in de buurt of in winkels, als een bedreiging voor mijn welzijn | threat_adu_q_1_b | COVID9 | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 27, 29 | | I have faith in the Dutch government's response to the corona crisis | Ik heb vertrouwen in de aanpak van de corona-crisis door de Nederlandse regering | government_adu_q_1 | COVID10 | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 15b, 16, 16b, 17, 18, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29 | | Does someone close to you have a Covid-19 infection? | Heeft iemand die dichtbij u staat een coronavirus-infectie? | beloved_adu_q_1_a | COVID11 | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 15b, 16, 16b, 17, 19, 20 | | Has someone close to you died of a Covid-19 infection? | Is iemand die dichtbij u staat overleden aan een coronavirus-infectie? | beloved_adu_q_1_b | COVID12 | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20 | | How would you rate your quality of life over the last 7 / 14days? | Hoe waardeert u uw kwaliteit van leven over de afgelopen 7 / 14 dagen? | qualityoflife_adu_q_1/2 | COVID13/_1 | 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 15b, 16, 16b, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 | | Is/are your household member(s) under 19 years of age your (foster)child(ren)? | Is/zijn uw huisgeno(o)t(en) tot en met 18 jaar uw (pleeg)kind(eren)? | children_fam_q_1 | COVID15 | 1, 2, 6 | | Do you have a (foster)child or (foster)children aged 18 years or younger? | Hebt u een (pleeg)kind of (pleeg)kinderen van 18 jaar of jonger? | children_fam_q_2 | COVID15A | 10, 14, 15, 20, 21, 25, 27 | | Do(es) your child(ren) experience stress due to the corona crisis? | Heeft/Hebben uw kind(eren) stress van de corona-crisis? | children_fam_q_1_a | COVID15A1 | 1, 2, 6, 10, 18 | | What makes you think that? / Do(es) your child(ren) experience stress due to the corona crisis? | Waar merkt u dat aan? / Heeft/Hebben uw kind(eren) stress van de corona-crisis? | children_fam_q_1_a1 | COVID15A2 | 1, 2, 6, 10 | | Do(es) your child(ren) feel safe at home? | Voelt/Voelen uw kind(eren) zich veilig in huis? | children_fam_q_1_b | COVID15A3 | 1, 2, 6, 10 | | Do(es) your child(ren) feel safe in their home town? | Voelt/Voelen uw kind(eren) zich veilig in de woonplaats? | children_fam_q_1_c | COVID15A4 | 1, 2, 6, 10 | | Do you have a (foster)child or (foster)children in higher education that do(es) not live at home? | Hebt u een (pleeg)kind of (pleeg)kinderen die studeren en die uitwonend zijn? | children_fam_q_1_d | COVID15A5 | 14, 19 | | What situation applies to you? / Do you have a (foster)child or (foster)children in higher education that do(es) not live at home? | Welke situatie is voor u van toepassing? / Hebt u een (pleeg)kind of (pleeg)kinderen die studeren en die uitwonend zijn? | children_fam_q_1_e | COVID15A6 | 14, 19 | | Do you have a (foster)child or (foster)children in primary or secondary education living at home? | Hebt u thuiswonende (pleeg)kind(eren) die basisonderwijs en/of voorgezet onderwijs volgen? | children_fam_q_1_f | COVID15A7 | 18, 19 | | On how many school days in the past month did your (foster)child(ren) stay at home due to a corona outbreak in their class or school? | Hoeveel schooldagen zijn uw (pleeg)kind(eren) de afgelopen maand thuis gebleven door een coronauitbraak in de klas of school? | children_fam_q_1_g | COVID239 | 19 | | How old is your oldest child aged 18 years or younger? | Hoe oud is uw oudste kind die 18 jaar of jonger is? | eldestchild_adu_q_1 | COVID51 | 6, 10, 14 | | Has your child felt fit and healthy? / In the last 7/14 days: | Heeft uw kind zich fit en gezond gevoeld? / In de afgelopen 7/14 dagen: | eldestchild_fam_q_1_a | COVID52A | 6, 10, 14 | | Has your child felt full of energy? / In the last 7/14 days: | Heeft uw kind zich vol energie gevoeld? / In de afgelopen 7/14 dagen: | eldestchild_fam_q_1_b | COVID52B | 6, 10, 14 | | Has your child felt sad? / In the last 7/14 days: | Heeft uw kind zich verdrietig gevoeld? / In de afgelopen 7/14 dagen: | eldestchild_fam_q_1_c | COVID52C | 6, 10, 14 | | Has your child felt lonely? / In the last 7/14 days: | Heeft uw kind zich eenzaam gevoeld? / In de afgelopen 7/14 dagen: | eldestchild_fam_q_1_d | COVID52D | 6, 10, 14 | | Has your child had sufficient time for him or herself? / In the last 7/14 days: | Heeft uw kind voldoende tijd voor zichzelf gehad? / In de afgelopen 7/14 dagen: | eldestchild_fam_q_1_e | COVID52E | 6, 10, 14 | | Has your child been able to do the things her or she wanted to do in their free time? / In the last 7/14 days: | Heeft uw kind de dingen kunnen doen die hij/zij wil in zijn/haar vrije tijd? / In de afgelopen 7/14 dagen: | eldestchild_fam_q_1_f | COVID52F | 6, 10, 14 | | Has your child felt that he or she has been treated fairly by his/her parents? / In the last 7/14 days: | Heeft uw kind het gevoel gehad eerlijk behandeld te worden door zijn/haar ouders? / In de afgelopen 7/14 dagen: | eldestchild_fam_q_1_g | COVID52G | 6, 10, 14 | | Did your child have fun with his/her friends? / In the last 7/14 days: | Heeft uw kind plezier gehad met zijn/haar vrienden? / In de afgelopen 7/14 dagen: | eldestchild_fam_q_1_h | COVID52H | 6, 10, 14 | | Did school activities go well? / In the last 7/14 days: | Is het goed gegaan met schoolse activiteiten? / In de afgelopen 7/14 dagen: | eldestchild_fam_q_1_i | COVID52I | 6, 10, 14 | | Has your child been able to pay attention? / In the last 7/14 days: | Heeft uw kind goed kunnen opletten? / In de afgelopen 7/14 dagen: | eldestchild_fam_q_1_j | COVID52J | 6, 10, 14 | | Has your child felt anxious? / In the last 7/14 days: | Heeft uw kind zich angstig gevoeld? / In de afgelopen 7/14 dagen: | eldestchild_fam_q_1_k | COVID52K | 6, 10, 14 | | Has your child felt angry? / In the last 7/14 days: | Heeft uw kind zich boos gevoeld? / In de afgelopen 7/14 dagen: | eldestchild_fam_q_1_l | COVID52L | 6, 10, 14 | | Has your child been bored? / In the last 7/14 days: | Heeft uw kind zich verveeld? / In de afgelopen 7/14 dagen: | eldestchild_fam_q_1_m | COVID52M | 6, 10, 14 | | Get groceries and run errands / Can you independently perform the following activities without any help from someone else, possibly with the help of a cane, walker or wheelchair? | Boodschappen doen / Kunt u zonder enige hulp van iemand anders zelfstandig de volgende activiteiten uitvoeren, eventueel met behulp van stok, rollator of rolstoel? | gfi01a_adu_q_1 | COVID54A | 6, 10, 14, 16b, 18, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29 | | Get dressed/undressed / Can you independently perform the following activities without any help from someone else, possibly with the help of a cane, walker or wheelchair? | Aan- en uitkleden / Kunt u zonder enige hulp van iemand anders zelfstandig de volgende activiteiten uitvoeren, eventueel met behulp van stok, rollator of rolstoel? | gfi01b_adu_q_1 | COVID54B | 6, 10, 14, 16b, 18, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29 | | Move outdoors (around house, to neighbors) / Can you independently perform the following activities without any help from someone else, possibly with the help of a cane, walker or wheelchair? | Buitenshuis verplaatsen (rondom huis, naar buren) / Kunt u zonder enige hulp van iemand anders zelfstandig de volgende activiteiten uitvoeren, eventueel met behulp van stok, rollator of rolstoel? | gfi01c_adu_q_1 | COVID54C | 6, 10, 14, 16b, 18, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29 | | Go the toilet / Can you independently perform the following activities without any help from someone else, possibly with the help of a cane, walker or wheelchair? | Naar toilet gaan / Kunt u zonder enige hulp van iemand anders zelfstandig de volgende activiteiten uitvoeren, eventueel met behulp van stok, rollator of rolstoel? | gfi01d_adu_q_1 | COVID54D | 6, 10, 14, 16b, 18, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29 | | What score would give your fitness (from 0 to 10): | Welk rapportcijfer geeft u zichzelf voor hoe fit u zich voelt (van 1 tot 10) | gfi02_adu_q_1 | COVID55 | 6, 10, 14, 16b, 18, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29 | | Do you have problems in every day life due to poor vision? | Heeft u problemen in het dagelijks leven door slecht zien? | gfi03_adu_q_1 | COVID56 | 6, 10, 14, 16b, 18, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29 | | Do you have problems in every day life due to poor hearing? | Heeft u problemen in het dagelijks leven door slecht horen? | gfi04_adu_q_1 | COVID57 | 6, 10, 14, 16b, 18, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29 | | Have you lost a lot of weight in the past period without wanting to (6 kg in 6 months or 3 kg in one month)? | Bent u in de afgelopen periode veel afgevallen zonder dit te willen (6 kg in 6 maanden of 3 kg in één maand)? | gfi05_adu_q_1 | COVID58 | 6, 10, 14, 16b, 18, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29 | | Do you have memory problems? | Hebt u klachten over uw geheugen? | gfi07_adu_q_1 | COVID59 | 6, 10, 14, 16b, 18, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29 | | Attentive / To what extent have you felt this way in the past 14 days? | Aandachtig / In welke mate heeft u zich de afgelopen 14 dagen zo gevoeld? | emotions_adu_q_1_a | COVID67A | 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29 | | Hostile / To what extent have you felt this way in the past 14 days? | Vijandig / In welke mate heeft u zich de afgelopen 14 dagen zo gevoeld? | emotions_adu_q_1_b | COVID67B | 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29 | | Alert / To what extent have you felt this way in the past 14 days? | Alert / In welke mate heeft u zich de afgelopen 14 dagen zo gevoeld? | emotions_adu_q_1_c | COVID67C | 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29 | | Ashamed / To what extent have you felt this way in the past 14 days? | Beschaamd / In welke mate heeft u zich de afgelopen 14 dagen zo gevoeld? | emotions_adu_q_1_d | COVID67D | 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29 | | Nervous / To what extent have you felt this way in the past 14 days? | Nerveus / In welke mate heeft u zich de afgelopen 14 dagen zo gevoeld? | emotions_adu_q_1_e | COVID67E | 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29 | | Inspired / To what extent have you felt this way in the past 14 days? | Geïnspireerd / In welke mate heeft u zich de afgelopen 14 dagen zo gevoeld? | emotions_adu_q_1_f | COVID67F | 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29 | | Sad / To what extent have you felt this way in the past 14 days? | Bedroefd / In welke mate heeft u zich de afgelopen 14 dagen zo gevoeld? | emotions_adu_q_1_g | COVID67G | 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29 | | Determined / To what extent have you felt this way in the past 14 days? | Vastbesloten / In welke mate heeft u zich de afgelopen 14 dagen zo gevoeld? | emotions_adu_q_1_h | COVID67H | 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29 | | Afraid / To what extent have you felt this way in the past 14 days? | Bang / In welke mate heeft u zich de afgelopen 14 dagen zo gevoeld? | emotions_adu_q_1_i | COVID67I | 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29 | | Active / To what extent have you felt this way in the past 14 days? | Actief / In welke mate heeft u zich de afgelopen 14 dagen zo gevoeld? | emotions_adu_q_1_j | COVID67J | 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29 | | I am worried about returning to my workplace | De terugkeer naar mijn werk baart mij zorgen | backtowork_adu_q_1_a-h | COVID70A-H | 10, 13 | | I estimate my chances of becoming infected in the current situation as follows: | De kans dat ik in de huidige situatie zelf besmet raak met COVID-19 schat ik.. | infectionrisk_adu_q_1_a | COVID73A | 10, 23, 24, 25, 26 | | I estimate my chances of infecting someone else in the current situation as follows: | De kans dat ik in de huidige situatie iemand anders besmet met COVID-19 schat ik.. | infectionrisk_adu_q_1_b | COVID73B | 10, 23, 24, 25, 26 | | I would mind it if I became infected with COVID-19 | Ik zou het erg vinden als ikzelf besmet raak met COVID-19. | infectionmind_adu_q_1_a | COVID74A | 10, 19, 24, 25, 26 | | I would mind it if I infected someone else with COVID-19 | Ik zou het erg vinden als ik u iemand anders besmet met COVID-19. | infectionmind_adu_q_1_b | COVID74B | 10, 19, 24, 25, 26 | | Independent of the corona crisis, I enjoy it when people practice social distancing | Ik vind het ongeacht de corona crisis fijn dat mensen meer onderlinge afstand houden. | distance_adu_q_1 | COVID75 | 10, 23 | | How long do you think the pandemic will continue? | Hoe lang denkt u dat de pandemie nog gaat duren? | prediction_adu_q_1_a | COVID76 | 10, 15, 18, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 | | Do you feel despondent when you thing of the period of time before everything is back to normal? | Krijgt u een moedeloos gevoel als u denkt aan de periode voordat alles weer normaal is? | despondent_adu_q_1_a | COVID77 | 10, 15, 18, 24, 26, 27 | | Do you expect a second wave of corona infections? | Verwacht u een tweede golf aan corona infecties? | prediction_adu_q_1_b | COVID78 | 10 | | If a second wave occurs, which of the following scenarios would you prefer? | Als er een tweede golf komt, welk scenario heeft uw voorkeur? | scenario_adu_q_1 | COVID79 | 10 | | Other scenario: / If a second wave occurs, which of the following scenarios would you prefer? | Anders: / als er een tweede golf komt, welk scenario heeft uw voorkeur? | scenario_adu_q_1_a | COVID79TXT | 10 | | Did something negative or bad happen to you in the past two weeks? | Hebt u in de afgelopen twee weken iets vervelends of iets ergs meegemaakt? | coping_adu_q_1 | COVID213 | 18, 20, 22, 26, 29 | | I have a tendency to recover quickly after difficult times | Ik heb de neiging om snel terug te veren na moeilijke tijden | coping_adu_q_1_a | COVID83A | 10, 15, 16b, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 29 | | What do you generally think when something bad happened to you? | Wat denkt u over het algemeen wanneer u iets vervelends of iets ergs heeft meegemaakt? | coping_adu_q_1_b-f | COVID83B-F | 10, 15, 16b, 18, 20, 22, 26, 29 | | How do you cope with the corona measures? | Hoe gaat u om met de coronamaatregelen? | coping_adu_q_1_g | COVID193 | 18, 24 | | How well could or can you cope with the hard lockdown of december 14th compared to the intelligent lockdown in march 2020? | Hoe goed kon of kunt u omgaan met de harde lockdown van 14 december in vergelijking tot de intelligente lockdown in maart 2020? | coping_adu_q_1_h | COVID194 | 18 | | In the media it is often said that many people have 'lost their stretch'. Have you 'lost your stretch'? | In de media wordt vaak gezegd dat 'de rek' er bij veel mensen uit is. Is bij u 'de rek' eruit? | coping_adu_q_1_i | COVID253 | 20 | | I expect that I will learn something positive for my own life from the corona pandemic | Ik verwacht dat ik iets positiefs zal leren van de coronapandemie voor mijn eigen leven. | positive_adu_q_1 | COVID84A | 10, 15, 16b, 18, 20, 22, 26, 29 | | Can you express this in one word? / I expect that I will learn something positive for my own life from the corona pandemic | Kunt u dit in 1 woord uitdrukken? / Ik verwacht dat ik iets positiefs zal leren van de coronapandemie voor mijn eigen leven. | positive_adu_q_1_a | COVID84A1 | 10, 15, 16b, 18, 20, 22, 26, 29 | | I think that in the long run, society will change for the better due to the corona pandemic | Op de lange termijn denk ik dat de samenleving ten goede zal veranderen door de coronapandemie. | positive_adu_q_1_b | COVID84B | 10, 15, 16b, 18, 20, 22, 26, 29 | | Can you describe in 1 word what you will miss the most this summer due to the corona pandemic? | Kunt u in 1 woord omschrijven wat u het meeste gaat missen deze zomer door de coronapandemie? | missingout_adu_q_1 | COVID88 | 10 | | Since the start of the intelligent lockdown, how badly did/do you miss the following? | Sinds de start van de intelligente lockdown, hoe erg mist(e) u het volgende? | missingout_adu_q_1_a-p1 | COVID88A-P | 10, 18 | | Since the start of the intelligent lockdown, how badly did/do you miss the following? | Sinds de start van de intelligente lockdown, hoe erg mist(e) u het volgende? | missingout_adu_q_1_q-r | COVID88Q-R | 18 | | When should COVID-19 measures become stricter again? | Wanneer moeten de COVID-19 maatregelen weer strenger worden? | stricter_adu_q_1_a-g | COVID98A-G | 10 | | Do you currently have the feeling that society is in a crisis? | Hebt u momenteel het gevoel dat de samenleving zich in een crisis bevindt? | feelcrisis_adu_q_1 | COVID123 | 15, 23, 24, 25 | | I like to be in control over a situation | Ik hou graag zelf de controle over een situatie | controlsituation_adu_q_1 | COVID124 | 15, 16b, 20 | | It is good that the government listens to the public opinion and adjusts the corona measures accordingly | Het is goed dat de regering luistert naar de publieke opinie en de coronamaatregelen hierop aanpast | government_adu_q_1_a | COVID164A | 15, 19, 24 | | I find it important that the government listens to all experts/scientists when formulating the corona policy | Ik vind het belangrijk dat de regering luistert naar alle experts/wetenschappers bij het opstellen van het coronabeleid | government_adu_q_1_b | COVID164B | 15 | | The government does not take economic interests sufficiently into account during the corona crisis | De regering houdt te weinig rekening met economische belangen tijdens de coronacrisis | government_adu_q_1_c | COVID164C | 15, 19, 24 | | The government does not take the mental health of the population sufficiently into account during the corona crisis | De regering houdt te weinig rekening met de mentale gezondheid van de bevolking tijdens de coronacrisis | government_adu_q_1_d | COVID164D | 15, 19, 24 | | the government must act tougher to reduce the number of infections | De regering moet harder optreden om het aantal besmettingen terug te dringen | government_adu_q_1_e | COVID164E | 15, 19, 24 | | I am afraid that important ground rights can be swept aside more easily in the future | Ik ben bang dat in de toekomst belangrijke grondrechten makkelijker aan de kant geschoven kunnen worden | government_adu_q_1_f | COVID164F | 15, 24 | | I am aware of all current corona measures from the government | Ik ben op de hoogte van alle actuele coronamaatregelen van de overheid | government_adu_q_1_g | COVID164G | 15 | | I find it important to watch (a recording of) the press conferences about the current corona situation in the Netherlands | Ik vind het (terug)kijken van de persconferenties over de actuele corona situatie in Nederland belangrijk | government_adu_q_1_h | COVID164H | 15 | | I notice that I am kept well-informed about the current corona measures | Ik merk dat ik goed op de hoogte gehouden word over de bestaande coronamaatregelen | government_adu_q_1_i | COVID164I | 15 | | The pre-defined roadmap for corona measures gives me clarity | Het voorgedefinieerde stappenplan voor de coronamaatregelen geeft mij duidelijkheid | government_adu_q_1_j | COVID164J | 15 | | The pre-defined roadmap for corona measures gives me peace of mind | Het voorgedefinieerde stappenplan voor de coronamaatregelen geeft mij rust | government_adu_q_1_k | COVID164K | 15 | | I find the communication of corona measures clear | De communicatie over de coronamaatregelen vind ik duidelijk | government_adu_q_1_l | COVID164L | 15 | | I am prepared to strictly follow all governmental corona measures to reduce the number of infections | Ik ben bereid alle coronamaatregelen die door de overheid zijn opgesteld strikt te volgen om het aantal besmettingen te verminderen | government_adu_q_1_m | COVID165 | 15, 24 | | All efforts should be taken to avoid companies going bankrupt as a direct result of the corona measures | Er moet koste wat kost voorkomen worden dat bedrijven failliet gaan als direct gevolg van de coronamaatregelen | economy_adu_q_1_a | COVID166 | 15 | | I think that the money for financial support should be spend to improve healthcare | Ik vind dat het geld voor de steunmaatregelen moet worden besteed aan de verbetering van de gezondheidszorg | economy_adu_q_1_b | COVID167 | 15 | | What is according to you the optimal division between health- and economic interests? | Wat is volgens u een optimale verdeling tussen gezondheids- en economisch belang? | economy_adu_q_1_c | COVID168 | 15 | | How long are you prepared to stay in a complete lockdown (i.e. only go out of the house for groceries and critical jobs) if this will save lifes? | Hoelang bent u bereid om in een volledige lockdown te zitten (dus enkel het huis uit voor de supermarkt en cruciale beroepen) als daarmee mensenlevens gered worden? | economy_adu_q_1_d | COVID169 | 15, 19 | | I find it justified that the capacity for regular healthcare is reduced in favor of the treatment of corona patients | Ik vind het terecht dat de capaciteit van de reguliere zorg wordt teruggebracht voor de behandeling van coronapatiënten | healthcare_adu_q_1_a | COVID170 | 15 | | I am worried that there will be a shortage of medications | Ik maak me zorgen dat er een geneesmiddelentekort ontstaat | healthcare_adu_q_1_b | COVID170B | 15 | | I think that the quality of healthcare is suffering due to the reduced capacity for regular healthcare | Ik denk dat de kwaliteit van de zorg te lijden heeft onder de verlaagde capaciteit van de reguliere zorg | healthcare_adu_q_1_c | COVID170C | 15 | | It is my opinion that more people die as a result of the corona crisis (e.g. postponing regular medical treatments, stress, depression) than as a result of corona itself | Ik ben van mening dat er meer mensen komen te overlijden door gevolgen van de coronacrisis (bijv. door uitstellen normale behandelingen, stress, depressie) dan door corona zelf | healthcare_adu_q_1_d | COVID170D | 15 | | I am frustrated that people do not comply with corona measures | Ik ben gefrustreerd dat mensen de corona regels niet naleven | frustration_adu_q_1 | COVID178 | 16, 17, 19, 20, 24 | | What is the main reason for feeling frustrated? | Wat is de voornaamste reden dat u zich gefrustreerd voelt? | frustration_adu_q_1_a1-a7 | COVID179 | 16, 17, 19, 20 | | I am frustrated that people strictly comply with the measures | Ik ben gefrustreerd dat mensen de maatregelen strikt naleven | frustration_adu_q_1_b | COVID216E | 19, 20 | | I am frustrated that people badly comply with the measures | Ik ben gefrustreerd dat mensen de maatregelen slecht naleven | frustration_adu_q_1_c | COVID216F | 19, 20 | | I am annoyed with people who say that the measures are justified | Ik erger me aan mensen die zeggen dat de maatregelen terecht zijn | annoyance_adu_q_1_a | COVID216A | 19 | | I am annoyed with people who say that Covid-19 is not as dangerous as the government claims it is | Ik erger me aan mensen die zeggen dat COVID19 niet zo gevaarlijk is als de overheid beweert | annoyance_adu_q_1_b | COVID216B | 19 | | I am annoyed with people who say that the measures should be stricter | Ik erger me aan mensen die zeggen dat de maatregelen strikter moeten | annoyance_adu_q_1_c | COVID216C | 19 | | I am annoyed with people who say that all measures should be cancelled | Ik erger me aan mensen die zeggen dat alle maatregelen opgeheven moeten worden | annoyance_adu_q_1_d | COVID216D | 19 | | How much of an impact did the following measures have on your daily routine? | Hoeveel impact hadden de volgende maatregelen op uw dagelijkse routine? | impact_adu_q_1_a-t | COVID237A-T | 19 | | Which of the following measures had, besides an impact on your daily routine, also an impact on your social life? | Welke van onderstaande maatregelen hadden, naast uw dagelijkse routine, ook impact op uw sociale leven? | impact_adu_q_2_d-u | COVID238 | 19 | | I find the corona vaccine scary | Ik vind het corona vaccin eng | covidvaccine_adu_q_2_e1 | COVID188A | 21 | | I am relieved that the vaccine is there | Ik ben opgelucht dat het vaccin er is | covidvaccine_adu_q_2_e2 | COVID188B | 21 | | I am afraid of side effects in the short-term | Ik ben bang voor bijwerkingen op korte termijn | covidvaccine_adu_q_2_e4 | COVID188D | 21 | | I am afraid of side effects in the long-term | Ik ben bang voor bijwerkingen op lange termijn | covidvaccine_adu_q_2_e5 | COVID188E | 21 | | When I am vaccinated against covid-19 I will have no chance to get infected with the Covid-19 virus | Als ik gevaccineerd ben tegen COVID-19 heb ik geen kans om besmet te raken met het COVID-19 | covidvaccine_adu_q_2_e12 | COVID188L | 20 | | When I am vaccinated against covid-19 I will have no chance to get seriously ill due to a covid-19 infection | Als ik gevaccineerd ben tegen COVID-19 heb ik geen kans om ernstig ziek te worden van een COVID-19 infectie | covidvaccine_adu_q_2_e13 | COVID188M | 20 | | When I am vaccinated against covid-19 I will have a reduced chance to get seriously ill due to a covid-19 infection | Als ik gevaccineerd ben tegen COVID-19 heb ik een kleinere kans om ernstig ziek te worden van een COVID-19 infectie | covidvaccine_adu_q_2_e14 | COVID188N | 20 | | There is a lower chance to infect others when I am vaccinated | Er is een lagere kans om anderen te besmetten als ik gevaccineerd ben | covidvaccine_adu_q_2_e15 | COVID188O | 20 | | I doubt the working of the vaccine | Ik twijfel aan de werking van het vaccin | covidvaccine_adu_q_2_e16 | COVID188P | 20 | | I think that the vaccine is harmful for health | Ik denk dat het vaccin schadelijk is voor de gezondheid | covidvaccine_adu_q_2_e17 | COVID188Q | 20 | | Children should also be vaccinated against corona | Kinderen moeten ook gevaccineerd worden tegen corona | covidvaccine_adu_q_2_e18 | COVID188R | 20 | | I fully trust that the vaccinations against covid-19 are safe | Ik heb er het volste vertrouwen in dat de vaccinaties tegen COVID-19 veilig zijn | covidvaccine_adu_q_2_e19 | COVID188S | 20 | | I let myself be vaccinated against covid-19 because that way I can protect people with a weaker immune system | Ik laat me vaccineren tegen COVID-19 omdat ik daarmee ook mensen met een zwakker immuunsysteem kan beschermen | covidvaccine_adu_q_2_e20 | COVID188T | 20 | | My immune system is so strong, that it protects me against covid-19 | Mijn immuunsysteem is zo sterk, dat het mij ook tegen COVID-19 beschermt | covidvaccine_adu_q_2_e21 | COVID188U | 20 | | Covid-19 is not so serious that I must let myself get vaccinated | COVID-19 is niet zo ernstig dat ik me moet laten vaccineren | covidvaccine_adu_q_2_e22 | COVID188V | 20 | | Daily stress stops me from letting myself get vaccinated against covid-19 | Dagelijkse stress weerhoudt me ervan me te laten vaccineren tegen COVID-19 | covidvaccine_adu_q_2_e23 | COVID188W | 20 | | I think that not enought research is done into the covid-19 vaccines | Ik denk dat er niet genoeg onderzoek gedaan is naar COVID-19 vaccins | covidvaccine_adu_q_2_e24 | COVID188X | 20 | | I think that the costs for the vaccination will be deducted from my deductable (health insurance) | Ik denk dat de kosten voor de vaccinatie van mijn eigen risico (zorgverzekering) af gaan | covidvaccine_adu_q_2_e25 | COVID188Y | 20 | | Most people that are important to me, think I should let myself get vaccinated against covid-19 | De meeste mensen die belangrijk voor me zijn, vinden dat ik me moet laten vaccineren tegen COVID-19 | covidvaccine_adu_q_2_e26 | COVID188Z | 20 | | I am happy that the curfew is moved from 21:00 to 22:00h | Ik ben blij dat de avondklok verschoven is van 21:00 uur naar 22:00 uur | curfew_adu_q_1_a | COVID261A | 20 | | I visit people for a longer time now that the curfew is moved to 22:00h | Ik ga langer bij mensen op bezoek nu de start van de avondklok naar 22:00 uur verplaatst is | curfew_adu_q_1_b | COVID261B | 20 | | I have more contact with people now that the curfew is moved to 22:00h | Ik heb meer contact met mensen nu de avondklok vanaf 22:00 uur is | curfew_adu_q_1_c | COVID261C | 20 | | Moving the start of the curfew to 22:00 has increased the number of infections | Het verplaatsten van de start van de avondklok naar 22:00 uur heeft tot meer besmettingen geleid | curfew_adu_q_1_d | COVID261D | 20 | | Now that daylight saving time has started I am more affected by the corona measures | Door het ingaan van de zomertijd heb ik meer hinder van de coronamaatregelen | curfew_adu_q_1_e | COVID261E | 20 | | i am worried about finding a new job if i would lose my current job | Ik maak mij zorgen over het vinden van een nieuwe baan als ik mijn huidige baan zou verliezen. | covt25_workworry_adu_q_1_a | covid70bi | 22, 23, 25, 27, 29 | | i am worried about finding a job | Ik maak mij zorgen over het vinden van een baan | covt25_workworry_adu_q_1_b | covid70bj | 22, 23, 25, 27, 29 | | i am worried that that healthcare will not be available for everyone anymore / how much have you been concerned about the corona crisis in the past 14 days? | Ik maak me zorgen dat de zorg straks niet meer voor iedereen toegankelijk is. | covt20_worry_adu_q_1_m | covid5m | 24, 25 | | are you worried about a non-vaccinated family member? | Maakt u zich zorgen om een niet-gevaccineerd familielid? | covt24_coping_adu_q_1_i | covid337 | 24, 25 | | are you tired of corona? | Bent u coronamoe? | covt24_coping_adu_q_1_j | covid338 | 24 | | do you think there will be a new wave of corona infections? | Denkt u dat er een nieuwe golf van corona-infecties komt? | covt27_prediction_adu_q_2_b | covid442 | 27 | | the government looks sufficiently ahead with the corona approach | Met de corona-aanpak kijkt de overheid voldoende vooruit | covt24_government_adu_q_1_n | covid367 | 24 | | the government acts in the interest of the country with the corona approach | Met de corona-aanpak handelt de regering in het belang van het land | covt24_government_adu_q_1_o | covid368 | 24 | | which measures would you advise the government to take to fight the corona crisis? | Welke maatregelen zou u de overheid adviseren te nemen om de coronacrisis aan te pakken? | covt24_government_adu_q_1_j | covid369 | 24 | | i am worried about the effect of the lockdown measures on the wellbeing of children / could you indicate to what extent you agree with the following statements? | Ik maak me zorgen over het effect van de lockdownmaatregelen op het welzijn van kinderen | covt24_worry_adu_q_1_u | covid339a | 24 | | i am worried about the effect of the closing of schools on the development of children / could you indicate to what extent you agree with the following statements? | Ik maak me zorgen over het effect van de schoolsluiting(en) op de ontwikkeling van kinderen | covt24_worry_adu_q_1_v | covid339b | 24 | | i am worried about the health of children who have (had) corona / could you indicate to what extent you agree with the following statements? | Ik maak me zorgen over de gezondheid van kinderen die corona hebben (gehad) | covt24_worry_adu_q_1_w | covid339c | 24 | | to what extent do you trust the reporting about corona in the regular media (nos, nu.nl, nrc, telegraaf, volkskrant)? | Hoeveel vertrouwen heeft u in de berichtgeving over corona in reguliere media (nos, nu.nl, nrc, telegraaf, volkskrant)? | covt24_trustmedia_adu_q_1_a | covid370 | 24 | | to what extent do you trust the reporting about corona that you encouter in social media? | Hoeveel vertrouwen heeft u in de berichtgeving over corona die u tegenkomt op sociale media? | covt24_trustmedia_adu_q_1_b | covid371 | 24 | | when scientists change their mind, my trust in their work is reduced | Wanneer wetenschappers van gedachten veranderen, verlaagt dat mijn vertrouwen in hun werk. | covt24_trustscience_adu_q_1_a | covid380a | 24 | | we can trust that scientists share their findings, even when they do not like them | We kunnen erop vertrouwen dat wetenschappers hun bevindingen delen, ook als deze hen niet aanstaan. | covt24_trustscience_adu_q_1_b | covid380b | 24 | | i trust that the work of scientists improves the life of people | Ik vertrouw erop dat het werk van wetenschappers het leven van mensen verbetert. | covt24_trustscience_adu_q_1_c | covid380c | 24 | | scientists find it important that everyone understands their work | Wetenschappers vinden het belangrijk dat iedereen hun werk begrijpt. | covt24_trustscience_adu_q_1_d | covid380d | 24 | | people who understand science have more trust in science | Mensen die wetenschap begrijpen hebben meer vertrouwen in de wetenschap. | covt24_trustscience_adu_q_1_e | covid380e | 24 | | i find it good that science sometimes says that something is not yet known/needs to be studied further before statements are being made | Ik vind het goed dat de wetenschap soms zegt dat iets nog niet bekend is/nog onderzocht moet worden, voordat er uitspraken gedaan worden | covt24_trustscience_adu_q_1_f | covid380f | 24 | | do you have minors in your household? | Hebt u minderjarigen in uw huishouden? | covt26_childcare_adu_q_1 | covid411 | 26, 28 | | what is the number of minors? / do you have minors in your household? | Wat is het aantal minderjarigen? | covt26_childcare_adu_q_1_a | covid412 | 26, 28 | | i was responsible for the care: / in 2020, who was responsible for the care of these minors? | In 2020, wie was er verantwoordelijk voor de opvang van deze minderjarigen? Ik was verantwoordelijk voor de zorg: | covt26_childcare_adu_q_1_b1 | covid413 | 26 | | i was responsible for the care: / in the past three months, who was responsible for the care of these minors? | In de afgelopen drie maanden, wie was er verantwoordelijk voor de opvang van deze minderjarige personen? Ik was verantwoordelijk voor de zorg: | covt26_childcare_adu_q_1_b2 | covid414 | 26, 28 | | in 2020, did you use childcare from a nursery, daycare, childcare, before or after school care or a childminder? | In 2020, had u kinderopvang van een crèche, kinderdagverblijf, kinderopvang, voor,- of naschoolse opvang of gastouder? | covt26_childcare_adu_q_1_c1 | covid415 | 26 | | in the past three months, did you use childcare from a nursery, daycare, childcare, before or after school care or a childminder? | In de afgelopen drie maanden, had u kinderopvang van een crèche, kinderdagverblijf, kinderopvang, voor,- of naschoolse opvang of gastouder? | covt26_childcare_adu_q_1_c2 | covid416 | 26, 28 | | in 2020, how do you rate the balance between your work and family life at that time? | In 2020, hoe beoordeelt u de balans tussen uw werk- en gezinsleven op dat moment? | covt26_childcare_adu_q_1_d1 | covid417 | 26 | | in the past three months, how do you rate the balance between your work and family life? | In de afgelopen drie maanden, hoe beoordeelt u de balans tussen uw werk- en gezinsleven? | covt26_childcare_adu_q_1_d2 | covid418 | 26, 28 | | do you feel deprived by the government in the corona period from march 2020 until now? | Voelt u zich tekortgedaan door de overheid in de coronaperiode vanaf maart 2020 tot nu? | covt29_deprived_adu_q_1 | covid444 | 26 | | the government that has put me at a financial disadvantage because of the corona measures / what is the reason for feeling deprived? i feel deprived by | … de overheid die mij door coronamaatregelen financieel heeft benadeeld | covt29_deprived_adu_q_1_a | covid445a | 29 | | the influence of corona measures on my work or study / what is the reason for feeling deprived? i feel deprived by | … de invloed van coronamaatregelen op mijn werk of studie | covt29_deprived_adu_q_1_b | covid445b | 29 | | the measures regarding the proof of vaccination / what is the reason for feeling deprived? i feel deprived by | … de maatregelen die over gaan vaccinatiebewijzen gaan | covt29_deprived_adu_q_1_c | covid445c | 29 | | the influence of corona measures on my social life / what is the reason for feeling deprived? i feel deprived by | … de invloed van coronamaatregelen op mijn sociale leven | covt29_deprived_adu_q_1_d | covid445d | 29 | | the aftercare for my corona infection / what is the reason for feeling deprived? i feel deprived by | … de nazorg na mijn coronabesmetting | covt29_deprived_adu_q_1_e | covid445e | 29 | | the approach of long-covid / what is the reason for feeling deprived? i feel deprived by | … de aanpak van long-COVID | covt29_deprived_adu_q_1_f | covid445f | 29 | | the influence of corona measures on health care / what is the reason for feeling deprived? i feel deprived by | … de invloed van coronamaatregelen op de gezondheidszorg | covt29_deprived_adu_q_1_g | covid445g | 29 | | the influence of corona measures on relaxing activities away from home (for example on the theatre) / what is the reason for feeling deprived? i feel deprived by | … de invloed van coronamaatregelen op ontspannende activiteiten buitenshuis (bijvoorbeeld op het theater) | covt29_deprived_adu_q_1_h | covid445h | 29 | | the influence of corona measures on sporting activities (for example at the gym or sports club) / what is the reason for feeling deprived? i feel deprived by | … de invloed van coronamaatregelen op sportieve activiteiten (bijvoorbeeld op de sportschool of sportclub) | covt29_deprived_adu_q_1_i | covid445i | 29 | | other / what is the reason for feeling deprived? i feel deprived by | Anders | covt29_deprived_adu_q_1_j | covid445j | 29 | | do you feel deprived by fellow dutch people in the corona period from march 2020 until now? | Voelt u zich tekortgedaan door mede-Nederlanders in de coronaperiode vanaf maart 2020 tot nu? | covt29_deprived_adu_q_2 | covid446 | 29 | | the way in which dutch people handled the corona measures / what is the reason for feeling deprived? i feel deprived by | … de manier waarop Nederlanders met de coronamaatregelen zijn omgegaan | covt29_deprived_adu_q_2_a | covid447a | 29 | | how my employer or college has handled covid-19 / what is the reason for feeling deprived? i feel deprived by | … hoe mijn werkgever of studie is omgegaan met COVID-19 | covt29_deprived_adu_q_2_b | covid447b | 29 | | how people in my social circle have handled the corona measures / what is the reason for feeling deprived? i feel deprived by | … hoe mensen in mijn sociale kring zijn omgegaan met de coronamaatregelen | covt29_deprived_adu_q_2_c | covid447c | 29 | | how people in my environment have supported me during my corona infection / what is the reason for feeling deprived? i feel deprived by | … hoe mensen in mijn omgeving mij hebben gesteund tijdens mijn coronabesmetting | covt29_deprived_adu_q_2_d | covid447d | 29 | | the lack of understanding in my environment for my circumstances during the corona pandemic / what is the reason for feeling deprived? i feel deprived by | … het ontbrekende begrip van mijn omgeving voor mijn omstandigheden tijdens de coronapandemie | covt29_deprived_adu_q_2_e | covid447e | 29 | | exclusion from social gatherings (for example visits, holiday celebrations, birthdays) / what is the reason for feeling deprived? i feel deprived by | ... uitsluiting van sociale bijeenkomsten bijvoorbeeld: visite, feestdagen, verjaardagen | covt29_deprived_adu_q_2_f | covid447f | 29 | | other / what is the reason for feeling deprived? i feel deprived by | Anders | covt29_deprived_adu_q_2_g | covid447g | 29 | | relationship with family / how did the following aspects of your life change as a result of the corona pandemic? | Relaties met familie | covt29_wellbeingchange_adu_q_1_a | covid450a | 29 | | relationship with friends / how did the following aspects of your life change as a result of the corona pandemic? | Relaties met vrienden | covt29_wellbeingchange_adu_q_1_b | covid450b | 29 | | relationship with partner / how did the following aspects of your life change as a result of the corona pandemic? | Relatie met partner | covt29_wellbeingchange_adu_q_1_c | covid450c | 29 | | certainty that you can feel safe / how did the following aspects of your life change as a result of the corona pandemic? | Zekerheid dat je je veilig kan voelen | covt29_wellbeingchange_adu_q_1_d | covid450d | 29 | | certainty of housing / how did the following aspects of your life change as a result of the corona pandemic? | Zekerheid van huisvesting | covt29_wellbeingchange_adu_q_1_e | covid450e | 29 | | job security / how did the following aspects of your life change as a result of the corona pandemic? | Werkzekerheid | covt29_wellbeingchange_adu_q_1_f | covid450f | 29 | | health / how did the following aspects of your life change as a result of the corona pandemic? | Gezondheid | covt29_wellbeingchange_adu_q_1_g | covid450g | 29 | | self-esteem / how did the following aspects of your life change as a result of the corona pandemic? | Eigenwaarde | covt29_wellbeingchange_adu_q_1_h | covid450h | 29 | | trust in the goverment / how did the following aspects of your life change as a result of the corona pandemic? | Vertrouwen in de overheid | covt29_wellbeingchange_adu_q_1_i | covid450i | 29 | | trust in others / how did the following aspects of your life change as a result of the corona pandemic? | Vertrouwen in anderen | covt29_wellbeingchange_adu_q_1_j | covid450j | 29 | | receiving trust / how did the following aspects of your life change as a result of the corona pandemic? | Ontvangen van vertrouwen | covt29_wellbeingchange_adu_q_1_k | covid450k | 29 | | being appreciated by others for what you do / how did the following aspects of your life change as a result of the corona pandemic? | Waardering krijgen van andere voor wat je doet | covt29_wellbeingchange_adu_q_1_l | covid450l | 29 | | social contact costs me more energy than before / the following statements are about the period following the cancellation of the corona measures | Sociaal contact kost me meer energie dan voorheen | covt29_measurecancellation_adu_q_1_a | covid451a | 29 | | i experience crowds as (even) more annoying than before / the following statements are about the period following the cancellation of the corona measures | Ik ervaar drukte als (nog) vervelender dan voorheen | covt29_measurecancellation_adu_q_1_b | covid451b | 29 | | i am more aware of the mutual distance between me and others / the following statements are about the period following the cancellation of the corona measures | Ik ben me meer bewust van de onderlinge afstand tussen mij en anderen | covt29_measurecancellation_adu_q_1_c | covid451c | 29 | | i experience places more often as crowded than before / the following statements are about the period following the cancellation of the corona measures | Ik ervaar plekken als sneller druk dan voorheen | covt29_measurecancellation_adu_q_1_d | covid451d | 29 | | i am more aware of people coughing, sneezing / the following statements are about the period following the cancellation of the corona measures | Ik ben me meer bewust van mensen die hoesten, kuchen, niezen | covt29_measurecancellation_adu_q_1_e | covid451e | 29 | | i am afraid for a new health crisis in the future | Ik ben bang voor een nieuwe gezondsheidscrisis in de toekomst | postcrisis_adu_q_1_a | COVID326A | 23 | | i am planning to stay home more readily as well in the future, in case of health issues such as flu and cold symptoms | Ik ben van plan om ook in de toekomst sneller thuis te blijven bij gezondheidsklachten zoals griep en verkoudheidsverschijnselen | postcrisis_adu_q_1_b | COVID326B | 23 | | i am planning to use a face mask in the future during 'flu season' / to what extent do you agree with the following statements: | Ik ben van plan om in de toekomst tijdens het ''griepseizoen'' een mondkapje te gaan gebruiken | postcrisis_adu_q_1_c | COVID326C | 23 | | altogether, i got through the crisis well / to what extent do you agree with the following statements: | Al met al ben ik goed door de crisis heen gekomen | postcrisis_adu_q_1_d | COVID326D | 23 | | i expect that in the future, my life will be the same as before te corona crisis (march 2020) / to what extent do you agree with the following statements: | Ik verwacht dat mijn leven in de toekomst weer hetzelfde zal zijn als voor de coronacrisis (maart 2020) | postcrisis_adu_q_1_e | COVID326E | 23 | | i am planning to go on vacation closer to home in the future / to what extent do you agree with the following statements: | Ik ben van plan om in de toekomst dichterbij huis op vakantie te gaan | postcrisis_adu_q_1_f | COVID326F | 23 | | the corona policy of the dutch government was good / to what extent do you agree with the following statements: | Het coronabeleid van de Nederlandse overheid was goed | postcrisis_adu_q_1_g | COVID326G | 23 | | i find it a good idea that i must keep wearing a face mask when visiting a patient in a hospital or when visiting an outpatient clinic | Ik vind het een goed idee dat ik een mondkapje moet blijven dragen bij bezoek aan een patiënt in een ziekenhuis of bij een bezoek aan een polikliniek | postcrisis_adu_q_1_h | COVID326H | 23 | | i find it a good idea that i must keep wearing a face mask in public transport | Ik vind het een goed idee dat ik een mondkapje moet blijven dragen in het openbaar vervoer | postcrisis_adu_q_1_i | COVID326I | 23 | | briefly describe what you will miss the most of the corona crisis (march 2020 until 25 september 2021) | Beschrijf kort wat u gaat missen aan de coronacrisis (maart 2020 tot en met 25 september 2021) | postcrisis_adu_q_1_j | COVID326TXT | 23 | | i consciously started taking more time for myself | Ik ben bewust meer tijd voor mezelf gaan nemen | crisisperiod_adu_q_1_a | COVID327A | 23 | | i got to know myself better / to what extent do you agree with the following statements about the corona crisis period (march 2020 until september 2021)? | Ik heb mezelf beter leren kennen | crisisperiod_adu_q_1_b | COVID327B | 23 | | i started to do more sports / to what extent do you agree with the following statements about the corona crisis period (march 2020 until september 2021)? | Ik ben meer gaan sporten | crisisperiod_adu_q_1_c | COVID327C | 23 | | i started living more consciously / to what extent do you agree with the following statements about the corona crisis period (march 2020 until september 2021)? | Ik ben bewuster gaan leven | crisisperiod_adu_q_1_d | COVID327D | 23 | | i started living more healthily / to what extent do you agree with the following statements about the corona crisis period (march 2020 until september 2021)? | Ik ben gezonder gaan leven | crisisperiod_adu_q_1_e | COVID327E | 23 | | i became mentally stronger / to what extent do you agree with the following statements about the corona crisis period (march 2020 until september 2021)? | Ik ben mentaal sterker geworden | crisisperiod_adu_q_1_f | COVID327F | 23 | | i started enjoying life more / to what extent do you agree with the following statements about the corona crisis period (march 2020 until september 2021)? | Ik ben meer gaan genieten van het leven | crisisperiod_adu_q_1_g | COVID327G | 23 | | i started appreciating social activities more / to what extent do you agree with the following statements about the corona crisis period (march 2020 until september 2021)? | Ik ben sociale activiteiten meer gaan waarderen | crisisperiod_adu_q_1_h | COVID327H | 23 | | i started to look differently at the world / to what extent do you agree with the following statements about the corona crisis period (march 2020 until september 2021)? | Ik ben anders naar de wereld gaan kijken | crisisperiod_adu_q_1_i | COVID327I | 23 | | i can cope better with setbacks / to what extent do you agree with the following statements about the corona crisis period (march 2020 until september 2021)? | Ik kan beter met tegenslagen omgaan | crisisperiod_adu_q_1_j | COVID327J | 23 | | i have become more tolerant of other people / to what extent do you agree with the following statements about the corona crisis period (march 2020 until september 2021)? | Ik ben toleranter geworden voor andere mensen | crisisperiod_adu_q_1_k | COVID327K | 23 | | i started to look more in solutions than in problems / to what extent do you agree with the following statements about the corona crisis period (march 2020 until september 2021)? | Ik ben meer gaan kijken in oplossingen dan in problemen | crisisperiod_adu_q_1_l | COVID327L | 23 | | i have come to take good health less for granted / to what extent do you agree with the following statements about the corona crisis period (march 2020 until september 2021)? | Ik ben een goede gezondheid minder vanzelfsprekend gaan vinden | crisisperiod_adu_q_1_m | COVID327M | 23 | | i felt unsafe in a space with people close together / to what extent do you agree with the following statements about the corona crisis period (march 2020 until september 2021)? | Ik voelde mij onveilig in een ruimte met mensen dicht op elkaar | crisissocial_adu_q_1_a | COVID327N | 23 | | i still feel just as safe in a space with people close together as before the corona crisis (march 2020) / to what extent do you agree with the following statements about the corona crisis period (march 2020 until september 2021)? | Ik voel mij nog net zo veilig in een ruimte met mensen dicht op elkaar als voor de coronacrisis (maart 2020) | crisissocial_adu_q_1_b | COVID328A | 23 | | i am ill at ease when i am surrounded by many people / to what extent do you agree with the following statements about the corona crisis period (march 2020 until september 2021)? | Ik vind het onwennig om veel mensen om mij heen te hebben | crisissocial_adu_q_1_c | COVID328B | 23 | | social activities cost me more energy than before the corona crisis (march 2020) / to what extent do you agree with the following statements about the corona crisis period (march 2020 until september 2021)? | Sociale activiteiten kosten mij nu meer energie dan voor de coronacrisis (maart 2020) | crisissocial_adu_q_1_d | COVID328C | 23 | | i spend more time with my family/housemates / to what extent do you agree with the following statements about the corona crisis period (march 2020 until september 2021)? | Ik breng meer tijd door met mijn gezin/huisgenoten | crisissocial_adu_q_1_e | COVID328D | 23 | | the bond with my partner has strengthened / to what extent do you agree with the following statements about the corona crisis period (march 2020 until september 2021)? | De band met mijn partner is versterkt | crisissocial_adu_q_1_f | COVID328E | 23 | | the bond with my (foster)child(ren) has strengthened / to what extent do you agree with the following statements about the corona crisis period (march 2020 until september 2021)? | De band met mijn (pleeg)kind(eren) is versterkt | crisissocial_adu_q_1_g | COVID328F | 23 | | i have become more lonely / to what extent do you agree with the following statements about the corona crisis period (march 2020 until september 2021)? | Ik ben eenzamer geworden | crisissocial_adu_q_1_h | COVID328G | 23 | | i have lost social contacts / to what extent do you agree with the following statements about the corona crisis period (march 2020 until september 2021)? | Ik ben sociale contacten kwijtgeraakt | crisissocial_adu_q_1_i | COVID328H | 23 | | i have become estranged from my social contacts / to what extent do you agree with the following statements about the corona crisis period (march 2020 until september 2021)? | Ik ben vervreemd geraakt van mijn sociale contacten | crisissocial_adu_q_1_j | COVID328I | 23 | | i started to become more conscious of my work/home balance / to what extent do you agree with the following statements about the corona crisis period (march 2020 until september 2021)? | Ik ben mij bewuster geworden van mijn werk en privé balans | crisiswork_adu_q_1_a | COVID329A | 23 | | i started to gain appreciation for the work of my partner / to what extent do you agree with the following statements about the corona crisis period (march 2020 until september 2021)? | Ik heb meer waardering gekregen voor het werk van mijn partner | crisiswork_adu_q_1_b | COVID329B | 23 | | i am planning to start/remain (partly) working from home in the future / to what extent do you agree with the following statements about the corona crisis period (march 2020 until september 2021)? | Ik ben van plan in de toekomst (deels) thuis te gaan/blijven werken | crisiswork_adu_q_1_c | COVID329C | 23 | | i started to see working from home as an advantage / to what extent do you agree with the following statements about the corona crisis period (march 2020 until september 2021)? | Ik ben thuiswerken als voordeel gaan zien | crisiswork_adu_q_1_d | COVID329D | 23 |