====== Earthquakes (EARQ) ====== Earthquakes is the name of an [[additional assessments|additional questionnaire]] that was implemented in Lifelines at the initiative of the [[https://www.rug.nl/gmw/psychology/expertise-groups/social-psychology/|Department of Social Psychology]] of the University of Groningen.\\ The aim of the questionnaire was to assess the health impact of [[https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaswinningsproblematiek_in_Groningen|earthquake-related damage]] experienced by inhabitants of Groningen due to the [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Groningen_gas_field|gaswinning industry]]. The Lifelines [[cohort]] provided a unique opportunity for this research, as many participants lived close to the epicenter of the large [[https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aardbeving_Huizinge_2012|earthquake of 2012]] and the collection of health data had started before and continued after 2012.\\ Note that one additional question about earthquakes ("how much trouble did you experience due to earthquakes in the last year") was asked in general questionnaire [[2B]]. \\ When EARQ data has been used in your research, you will have to include the following reference: * [[https://pure.rug.nl/ws/portalfiles/portal/55056657/Gevolgen_van_bodembeweging_voor_Groningen.pdf|Postmes, T., Stroebe, K., Richardson, J., LeKander, B., Greven, F., & Broer, J. (2018). Gevolgen van bodembeweging voor Groningers: Ervaren veiligheid, gezondheid en toekomstperspectief 2016-2017.]] ===== Protocol ===== In 2016, Lifelines invited 6,000 participants to fill in a questionnaire about health, quality of life and social contacts. In addition, several earthquake-related questions were asked to assess the subjective impact of the earthquakes. Information on the objective impact (seismic hazardmaps) of the 2012 earthquake was obtained from the [[https://data.knmi.nl/datasets/seismic_hazardmaps/1|Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI)]] and linked to participants via their home address [[Environmental Exposure (linkage)|postal codes]]. ===== Subcohort ===== Selection criteria for EARQ where the following: * Adult participant * Completed assessment [[1A]] before 2012 * Participated in all follow-up general questionnaires thus far ([[1B]], [[1C]], [[2A]]) * Did not move to a different address between [[1A]] and [[2A]] * Participants from sparsely populated areas with high levels of earthquake-related damage were overrepresented in the list of selected participants Of the 6000 selected and invited participants, 49% (~2,900) filled in the questionnaire. Respondents were most often women (57%) and the average age was ~54 years (23-84). ===== Publications using EARQ data ===== * Postmes T. et al. (2018): Gevolgen van bodembeweging voor groningers (report in Dutch) {{ :postmes_e.a._-_2018_-_gevolgen_van_bodembeweging_voor_groningers_ervare.pdf |EARQ report}}. * Stroebe K. et al. (2019). [[https://bpspsychub.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/bjso.12295|Where did inaction go? Towards a broader and more refined perspective on collective actions]]. Br J Soc Psychol 58, 649–667. ===== Variables ===== The EARQ questionnaire included several items that were used in other Lifelines assessments as well: * [[Symptoms (SCL-90)]] (somatic, anxiety, and depression dimensions) * [[Emotional affect (PANAS)]] * [[Quality of Life (RAND)]] In addition, the EARQ questionnaire included items on participants' experiences, perceptions and feelings in the context of earthquakes and gaswinning: * [[Earthquakes]] (questions specifically related to experiences with earthquakes) * Social functioning (see below) * Health (see below) * Stress (see below) The EARQ questionnaire furthermore included items on the social activities and environment of participants: | **Questions English** | **Questions Dutch** | **Code** | **Variable** | **Assessment** | **Age** | | i belong to many different groups | Ik hoor bij veel verschillende groepen | community_resilience_adu_q_1_a | EQCON1 | EARQ | 18+ | | i am involved with activities from many different groups | Ik ben betrokken bij activiteiten van veel verschillende groepen | community_resilience_adu_q_1_b | EQCON2 | EARQ | 18+ | | i have friends who are in many different groups | Ik heb vrienden die in veel verschillende groepen zitten | community_resilience_adu_q_1_c | EQCON3 | EARQ | 18+ | | i have strong connections with many different groups | Ik heb sterke banden met veel verschillende groepen | community_resilience_adu_q_1_d | EQCON4 | EARQ | 18+ | | i get the help and support that i need from the people in my town or neighbourhood | Ik krijg de hulp en steun die ik nodig heb van de mensen in mijn dorp of buurt | community_resilience_adu_q_1_e | EQCON5 | EARQ | 18+ | | i feel connected to the people in my town or neighbourhood | Ik voel me verbonden met de mensen in mijn dorp of buurt | community_resilience_adu_q_1_f | EQCON6 | EARQ | 18+ | | i am worried about the wellbeing of the people in my town or neighbourhood | Ik maak me zorgen om het welzijn van de mensen in mijn dorp of buurt | community_resilience_adu_q_1_g | EQCON7 | EARQ | 18+ | | i identify with the people in my town or neighbourhood | Ik identificeer me met de mensen in mijn dorp of buurt | community_resilience_adu_q_1_h | EQCON8 | EARQ | 18+ | | i feel involved with the people in my town or neighbourhood | Ik voel me betrokken bij de mensen in mijn dorp of buurt | community_resilience_adu_q_1_i | EQCON9 | EARQ | 18+ | | i am happy that i am part of my town or neighbourhood | Ik ben blij dat ik deel uitmaak van mijn dorp of buurt | community_resilience_adu_q_1_j | EQCON10 | EARQ | 18+ | | my town or neighbourhood forms an important part of how i see myself | Mijn dorp of buurt vormt een belangrijk onderdeel van hoe ik mezelf zie | community_resilience_adu_q_1_k | EQCON11 | EARQ | 18+ | | i feel connected with my loved ones | Ik voel me verbonden met mijn naasten | community_resilience_adu_q_1_l | EQCON12 | EARQ | 18+ | | i get the help and support that i need from my loved ones | Ik krijg de hulp en steun die ik nodig heb van mijn naasten | community_resilience_adu_q_1_m | EQCON13 | EARQ | 18+ | | i feel worried about the wellbeing of my loved ones | Ik maak me zorgen om het welzijn van mijn naasten | community_resilience_adu_q_1_n | EQCON14 | EARQ | 18+ | | town or neighbourhood association / in the last 12 months have you been an active member of any of the following types of groups in your town or neighbourhood? | Dorps- of buurtvereniging / Hebt u gedurende de afgelopen 12 maanden actief deel uitgemaakt van één van de volgende groepen in uw dorp of buurt? | sascat_participation_adu_q_01_a | EQGROUP1 | EARQ | 18+ | | religious group / in the last 12 months have you been an active member of any of the following types of groups in your town or neighbourhood? | Religieuze groep / Hebt u gedurende de afgelopen 12 maanden actief deel uitgemaakt van één van de volgende groepen in uw dorp of buurt? | sascat_participation_adu_q_01_b | EQGROUP2 | EARQ | 18+ | | sports association / in the last 12 months have you been an active member of any of the following types of groups in your town or neighbourhood? | Sportvereniging / Hebt u gedurende de afgelopen 12 maanden actief deel uitgemaakt van één van de volgende groepen in uw dorp of buurt? | sascat_participation_adu_q_01_c | EQGROUP3 | EARQ | 18+ | | employee organization/trade union / in the last 12 months have you been an active member of any of the following types of groups in your town or neighbourhood? | Werknemersorganisatie/vakbond / Hebt u gedurende de afgelopen 12 maanden actief deel uitgemaakt van één van de volgende groepen in uw dorp of buurt? | sascat_participation_adu_q_01_d | EQGROUP4 | EARQ | 18+ | | political movement / in the last 12 months have you been an active member of any of the following types of groups in your town or neighbourhood? | Politieke beweging / Hebt u gedurende de afgelopen 12 maanden actief deel uitgemaakt van één van de volgende groepen in uw dorp of buurt? | sascat_participation_adu_q_01_e | EQGROUP5 | EARQ | 18+ | | action group / in the last 12 months have you been an active member of any of the following types of groups in your town or neighbourhood? | Actiegroep / Hebt u gedurende de afgelopen 12 maanden actief deel uitgemaakt van één van de volgende groepen in uw dorp of buurt? | sascat_participation_adu_q_01_f | EQGROUP6 | EARQ | 18+ | | in the last 12 months did you received any emotional support, financial support, or practical help from any of the groups mentioned above? | Hebt u gedurende de afgelopen 12 maanden van één van de hiervoor genoemde groepen emotionele steun, financiële steun of praktische hulp ontvangen? | sascat_participation_adu_q_01_g | EQGROUP7 | EARQ | 18+ | | in the last 12 months, have you joined together with other community members to address a common problem? | Bent u gedurende de afgelopen 12 maanden met mensen uit uw buurt samengekomen om een gemeenschappelijk probleem aan te pakken? | sascat_joined_adu_q_03 | EQNEIGH1 | EARQ | 18+ | | in the last 12 months, have you had contact with someone from the local government or neighbourhood organization to talk about the problems in your neighbourhood? | Hebt u in de afgelopen 12 maanden contact gehad met iemand van een lokale overheid of buurtorganisatie om over de problemen in uw buurt te praten? | sascat_localgovernment_adu_q_04 | EQNEIGH2 | EARQ | 18+ | | in general, can the majority of people in your neighbourhood be trusted? | Is de meerderheid van de mensen in uw buurt over het algemeen te vertrouwen? | sascat_trustneighbours_adu_q_05 | EQNEIGH3 | EARQ | 18+ | | does the majority of the people in your neighbourhood get along with one another? | Kan de meerderheid van de mensen in uw buurt het goed met elkaar vinden? | sascat_getalong_adu_q_06 | EQNEIGH4 | EARQ | 18+ | | does it feel like you belong in your neightbourhood? | Voelt het alsof u er echt bij hoort in uw buurt? | sascat_belong_adu_q_07 | EQNEIGH5 | EARQ | 18+ | | do you think that the majority of the people in your neighbourhood will take advantage of you, if they get the chance? | Denkt u dat de meerderheid van de mensen in uw buurt misbruik van u zal maken, als zij daartoe de kans krijgt? | sascat_takeadvantage_adu_q_08 | EQNEIGH6 | EARQ | 18+ | | i have the feeling that people get what they deserve | Ik heb het gevoel dat mensen krijgen waar ze recht op hebben. | fairness_society_adu_q_1_a1 | EQSOC1 | EARQ | 18+ | | i have the feeling that the world is fair / could you indicate to what extent you agree with the following statements? | Ik heb het gevoel dat de wereld rechtvaardig is. | fairness_society_adu_q_1_a2 | EQSOC2 | EARQ | 18+ | | in the end everyone gets what they deserve in this world / could you indicate to what extent you agree with the following statements? | Uiteindelijk krijgt iedereen zijn verdiende loon in deze wereld. | fairness_society_adu_q_1_a3 | EQSOC3 | EARQ | 18+ | | people get what they deserve because of god | Mensen krijgen waar ze recht op hebben door God. | fairness_society_adu_q_1_b1 | EQSOC4 | EARQ | 18+ | | in principle, god is fair to people | In principe is God rechtvaardig voor mensen. | fairness_society_adu_q_1_b2 | EQSOC5 | EARQ | 18+ | | people get what they deserve because of authorities, organizations and companies | Mensen krijgen waar ze recht op hebben door instanties, organisaties en bedrijven. | fairness_society_adu_q_1_c1 | EQSOC6 | EARQ | 18+ | | in principle, authorities, organizations and companies are fair to people | In principe zijn instanties, organisaties en bedrijven rechtvaardig voor mensen. | fairness_society_adu_q_1_c2 | EQSOC7 | EARQ | 18+ | | people get what they deserve because of other people that they meet in life | Mensen krijgen waar ze recht op hebben door anderen die ze in hun leven treffen. | fairness_society_adu_q_1_d1 | EQSOC8 | EARQ | 18+ | | in principle, people are fair to one another | In principe zijn mensen rechtvaardig voor elkaar. | fairness_society_adu_q_1_d2 | EQSOC9 | EARQ | 18+ | | people get what they deserve because of themselves and no one else | Mensen krijgen waar ze recht op hebben door zichzelf en niemand anders. | fairness_society_adu_q_1_e1 | EQSOC10 | EARQ | 18+ | | in principle, a fair treatment is entirely due to oneself | In principe heeft men een rechtvaardige behandeling geheel aan zichzelf te danken. | fairness_society_adu_q_1_e2 | EQSOC11 | EARQ | 18+ | | people get what they deserve because of chance | Mensen krijgen waar ze recht op hebben door het toeval. | fairness_society_adu_q_1_f1 | EQSOC12 | EARQ | 18+ | | in principle, chance is fair to people | In principe is het toeval rechtvaardig voor mensen. | fairness_society_adu_q_1_f2 | EQSOC13 | EARQ | 18+ | | people get what they deserve because of forces of nature | Mensen krijgen waar ze recht op hebben door natuurkrachten. | fairness_society_adu_q_1_g1 | EQSOC14 | EARQ | 18+ | | in principle, forces of nature are fair to people | In principe zijn natuurkrachten rechtvaardig voor mensen. | fairness_society_adu_q_1_g2 | EQSOC15 | EARQ | 18+ | | people get what they deserve because of fate | Mensen krijgen waar ze recht op hebben door het lot. | fairness_society_adu_q_1_h1 | EQSOC16 | EARQ | 18+ | | in principle, fate is fair to people | In principe is het lot rechtvaardig voor mensen. | fairness_society_adu_q_1_h2 | EQSOC17 | EARQ | 18+ | | family members / in the last 12 months, have you received any help or support from any of the following individuals? | Familieleden / Hebt u gedurende de afgelopen 12 maanden hulp of steun gehad van de volgende mensen? | sascat_support_adu_q_02_a | EQSUP1 | EARQ | 18+ | | neighbours / in the last 12 months, have you received any help or support from any of the following individuals? | Buren / Hebt u gedurende de afgelopen 12 maanden hulp of steun gehad van de volgende mensen? | sascat_support_adu_q_02_b | EQSUP2 | EARQ | 18+ | | friends, who are not neighbours / in the last 12 months, have you received any help or support from any of the following individuals? | Vrienden, die geen buur zijn / Hebt u gedurende de afgelopen 12 maanden hulp of steun gehad van de volgende mensen? | sascat_support_adu_q_02_c | EQSUP3 | EARQ | 18+ | | politicians / in the last 12 months, have you received any help or support from any of the following individuals? | Politici / Hebt u gedurende de afgelopen 12 maanden hulp of steun gehad van de volgende mensen? | sascat_support_adu_q_02_d | EQSUP4 | EARQ | 18+ | | civil servants / in the last 12 months, have you received any help or support from any of the following individuals? | Ambtenaren / Hebt u gedurende de afgelopen 12 maanden hulp of steun gehad van de volgende mensen? | sascat_support_adu_q_02_e | EQSUP5 | EARQ | 18+ | | someone from a charity or volunteer organization / in the last 12 months, have you received any help or support from any of the following individuals? | Iemand van een goed doel of vrijwilligersorganisatie / Hebt u gedurende de afgelopen 12 maanden hulp of steun gehad van de volgende mensen? | sascat_support_adu_q_02_f | EQSUP6 | EARQ | 18+ | | religious leaders/workers / in the last 12 months, have you received any help or support from any of the following individuals? | Religieuze leiders/medewerkers / Hebt u gedurende de afgelopen 12 maanden hulp of steun gehad van de volgende mensen? | sascat_support_adu_q_02_g | EQSUP7 | EARQ | 18+ | | there is a special person who is around when i am in need | Er is een speciaal persoon in mijn omgeving als ik hulp nodig heb. | mspss_person_adu_q_01 | EQSUP8 | EARQ | 18+ | | there is a special person with whom i can share joys and sorrows | Er is een speciaal persoon met wie ik mijn plezier en verdriet kan delen. | mspss_person_adu_q_02 | EQSUP9 | EARQ | 18+ | | my family really tries to help me | Mijn familie probeert mij echt te helpen. | mspss_family_adu_q_03 | EQSUP10 | EARQ | 18+ | | i get the emotional help and support that i need from my family | Ik krijg de emotionele hulp en steun van familieleden die ik nodig heb. | mspss_family_adu_q_04 | EQSUP11 | EARQ | 18+ | | i have a special person who supports me when things go wrong | Ik heb een speciaal persoon die mij bijstaat als het tegen zit. | mspss_person_adu_q_05 | EQSUP12 | EARQ | 18+ | | my friends really try to help me | Mijn vrienden proberen mij echt te helpen. | mspss_friends_adu_q_06 | EQSUP13 | EARQ | 18+ | | i can count on my friends when things go wrong | Als er iets misgaat, kan ik op mijn vrienden rekenen. | mspss_friends_adu_q_07 | EQSUP14 | EARQ | 18+ | | i can talk about my problems with my family | Ik kan over mijn problemen praten met mijn familie. | mspss_family_adu_q_08 | EQSUP15 | EARQ | 18+ | | i have friends with whom i can share my joys and sorrows | Ik heb vrienden met wie ik mijn plezier en verdriet kan delen. | mspss_friends_adu_q_09 | EQSUP16 | EARQ | 18+ | | there is a special person in my life who cares about my feelings | Er is een speciaal persoon in mijn leven die geeft om mijn gevoelens. | mspss_person_adu_q_10 | EQSUP17 | EARQ | 18+ | | my family is willing to help me make decisions | Mijn familie is bereid mij te helpen bij het maken van beslissingen | mspss_family_adu_q_11 | EQSUP18 | EARQ | 18+ | | i can talk about my problems with my friends | Ik kan met mijn vrienden over mijn problemen praten. | mspss_friends_adu_q_12 | EQSUP19 | EARQ | 18+ | The EARQ questionnaire also included items on the health of participants: | **Questions English** | **Questions Dutch** | **Code** | **Variable** | **Assessment** | **Age** | | how is your health in general? | Hoe is over het algemeen uw gezondheid? | health_rate_adu_q_1 | EQHEALTH1 | EARQ | 18+ | | abdominal or stomach complaints / how often did you suffer from the following symptom(s) in the past 4 weeks? | Buik- of maagklachten / Hoe vaak heeft u in de afgelopen 4 weken last gehad van de volgende klacht(en)? | digestion_pastmonth_adu_q_1 | EQHEALTH2 | EARQ | 18+ | | heart palpitations / how often did you suffer from the following symptom(s) in the past 4 weeks? | Hartkloppingen / Hoe vaak heeft u in de afgelopen 4 weken last gehad van de volgende klacht(en)? | palpitations_pastmonth_adu_q_1 | EQHEALTH3 | EARQ | 18+ | | headache / how often did you suffer from the following symptom(s) in the past 4 weeks? | Hoofdpijn / Hoe vaak heeft u in de afgelopen 4 weken last gehad van de volgende klacht(en)? | headache_pastmonth_adu_q_1 | EQHEALTH4 | EARQ | 18+ | | dizziness or lightheadedness / how often did you suffer from the following symptom(s) in the past 4 weeks? | Duizeligheid of licht in het hoofd / Hoe vaak heeft u in de afgelopen 4 weken last gehad van de volgende klacht(en)? | dizziness_pastmonth_adu_q_1 | EQHEALTH5 | EARQ | 18+ | | overly sensitive to light or sound / how often did you suffer from the following symptom(s) in the past 4 weeks? | Overgevoeligheid voor licht of geluid / Hoe vaak heeft u in de afgelopen 4 weken last gehad van de volgende klacht(en)? | sensitivity_pastmonth_adu_q_1 | EQHEALTH6 | EARQ | 18+ | | muscle- or joint complaints / how often did you suffer from the following symptom(s) in the past 4 weeks? | Spier- of gewrichtsklachten / Hoe vaak heeft u in de afgelopen 4 weken last gehad van de volgende klacht(en)? | musclejoints_pastmonth_adu_q_1 | EQHEALTH7 | EARQ | 18+ | | coughing or throat complaints / how often did you suffer from the following symptom(s) in the past 4 weeks? | Hoesten of keelklachten / Hoe vaak heeft u in de afgelopen 4 weken last gehad van de volgende klacht(en)? | coughing_pastmonth_adu_q_1 | EQHEALTH8 | EARQ | 18+ | | irritable / how often did you suffer from the following symptom(s) in the past 4 weeks? | Prikkelbaar of irritatie / Hoe vaak heeft u in de afgelopen 4 weken last gehad van de volgende klacht(en)? | irritability_pastmonth_adu_q_1 | EQHEALTH9 | EARQ | 18+ | | memory or concentration problems / how often did you suffer from the following symptom(s) in the past 4 weeks? | Geheugen- of concentratieproblemen / Hoe vaak heeft u in de afgelopen 4 weken last gehad van de volgende klacht(en)? | memory_pastmonth_adu_q_1 | EQHEALTH10 | EARQ | 18+ | | trouble sleeping / how often did you suffer from the following symptom(s) in the past 4 weeks? | Slaapproblemen / Hoe vaak heeft u in de afgelopen 4 weken last gehad van de volgende klacht(en)? | sleeping_pastmonth_adu_q_1 | EQHEALTH11 | EARQ | 18+ | | fatigue / how often did you suffer from the following symptom(s) in the past 4 weeks? | Moeheid / Hoe vaak heeft u in de afgelopen 4 weken last gehad van de volgende klacht(en)? | fatigue_pastmonth_adu_q_1 | EQHEALTH12 | EARQ | 18+ | Finally, the EARQ questionnaire included items on the impact of recent stressful events in general. | **Questions English** | **Questions Dutch** | **Code** | **Variable** | **Assessment** | **Age** | | could you first describe briefly which event(s) in the past year you found the most stressful or even dramatic? | Kunt u in het kort omschrijven welke gebeurtenis(sen) u in het afgelopen jaar het meest stressvol of zelfs ingrijpend vond? | stressevent_description_adu_q_1 | EQEVENT1 | EARQ | 18+ | | To what extent did you undertake the following activities in response to the dramatic event? | Kunt u aangeven in hoeverre u onderstaande activiteiten hebt ondernomen in reactie op de ingrijpende gebeurtenis, die u het afgelopen jaar het meest stressvol vond? | | | | | | i looked for distraction by focusing on my work or other activities | Ik heb afleiding gezocht door me op mijn werk of andere activiteiten te richten | stressevent_response_adu_q_1_a | EQEVENT2 | EARQ | 18+ | | i've set my sights on doing something about my situation | Ik heb mijn zinnen erop gezet iets te doen aan mijn situatie | stressevent_response_adu_q_1_b | EQEVENT3 | EARQ | 18+ | | i told myself 'this is not true' | Ik heb tegen mezelf gezegd: “dit is niet waar” | stressevent_response_adu_q_1_c | EQEVENT4 | EARQ | 18+ | | i have used alcohol or other substances to feel better | Ik heb alcohol of andere middelen gebruikt om me beter te voelen | stressevent_response_adu_q_1_d | EQEVENT5 | EARQ | 18+ | | i have received emotional support from others | Ik heb van anderen emotionele steun gehad | stressevent_response_adu_q_1_e | EQEVENT6 | EARQ | 18+ | | i have given up dealing with this | Ik heb het opgegeven me hiermee bezig te houden | stressevent_response_adu_q_1_f | EQEVENT7 | EARQ | 18+ | | i have taken action to improve the situation | Ik heb actie ondernomen om de situatie beter te maken | stressevent_response_adu_q_1_g | EQEVENT8 | EARQ | 18+ | | i did not want to believe that this happened | Ik wilde niet geloven dat dit is gebeurd | stressevent_response_adu_q_1_h | EQEVENT9 | EARQ | 18+ | | i have released my feelings | Ik heb mijn gevoelens de vrije loop gelaten | stressevent_response_adu_q_1_i | EQEVENT10 | EARQ | 18+ | | i have received help and advise from others | Ik heb van anderen hulp en advies gekregen | stressevent_response_adu_q_1_j | EQEVENT11 | EARQ | 18+ | | i have used alcohol or other substances to help myself get through this | Ik heb alcohol of andere middelen gebruikt om me er doorheen te helpen | stressevent_response_adu_q_1_k | EQEVENT12 | EARQ | 18+ | | i have tried to look at it in a different light, to be able to give it a positive spin | Ik heb geprobeerd het in een ander licht te zien, om er zo een positieve draai aan te kunnen geven | stressevent_response_adu_q_1_l | EQEVENT13 | EARQ | 18+ | | i have blamed myself | Ik heb mezelf verwijten gemaakt | stressevent_response_adu_q_1_m | EQEVENT14 | EARQ | 18+ | | i have tried to come up with a plan on how to deal with this | Ik heb geprobeerd een plan te bedenken hoe hiermee om te gaan | stressevent_response_adu_q_1_n | EQEVENT15 | EARQ | 18+ | | someone has consoled me and showed understanding | Iemand heeft me getroost en begrip getoond | stressevent_response_adu_q_1_o | EQEVENT16 | EARQ | 18+ | | i have given up my attempts to deal with this | Ik heb mijn pogingen om hiermee om te gaan opgegeven | stressevent_response_adu_q_1_p | EQEVENT17 | EARQ | 18+ | | i have tried to see something good in what happened | Ik heb geprobeerd iets goeds te zien in wat er is gebeurd | stressevent_response_adu_q_1_q | EQEVENT18 | EARQ | 18+ | | i have made jokes about it | Ik heb er grapjes over gemaakt | stressevent_response_adu_q_1_r | EQEVENT19 | EARQ | 18+ | | i undertook things in order to think less about it, like going to the cinema, watching tv, daydreaming, sleeping or shopping | Ik heb dingen ondernomen om er minder over na te hoeven denken, zoals naar de film gaan, tv kijken, dagdromen, slapen of winkelen | stressevent_response_adu_q_1_s | EQEVENT20 | EARQ | 18+ | | i have accepted reality - it happened anyway / to what extent did you undertake the following activities in response to the dramatic event? | Ik heb de realiteit geaccepteerd - het is nou eenmaal gebeurd | stressevent_response_adu_q_1_t | EQEVENT21 | EARQ | 18+ | | i have expressed how bad i feel | Ik heb geuit hoe slecht ik me voel | stressevent_response_adu_q_1_u | EQEVENT22 | EARQ | 18+ | | i have looked for support in my religion or spiritual beliefs | Ik heb steun gezocht in mijn geloof of spirituele overtuiging | stressevent_response_adu_q_1_v | EQEVENT23 | EARQ | 18+ | | i have tried to get help or advise from others about what to do | Ik heb geprobeerd van anderen advies of hulp te ontvangen over wat te doen | stressevent_response_adu_q_1_w | EQEVENT24 | EARQ | 18+ | | i have learned to live with it | Ik heb geleerd ermee te leven | stressevent_response_adu_q_1_x | EQEVENT25 | EARQ | 18+ | | i have thought a lot about which steps i have to take | Ik heb veel nagedacht over welke stappen ik moet nemen | stressevent_response_adu_q_1_y | EQEVENT26 | EARQ | 18+ | | i have blamed myself for the things that have happened | Ik heb mezelf de schuld gegeven voor de dingen die zijn gebeurd | stressevent_response_adu_q_1_z | EQEVENT27 | EARQ | 18+ | | i have prayed or meditated | Ik heb gebeden of gemediteerd | stressevent_response_adu_q_1_za | EQEVENT28 | EARQ | 18+ | | i have found the humour in this situation | Ik heb de humor van deze situatie ingezien | stressevent_response_adu_q_1_zb | EQEVENT29 | EARQ | 18+ | | i have made myself heard (e.g. by filing a complaint about what has happened to me) | Ik heb van mezelf laten horen (bv door een klacht in te dienen over hetgeen me is overkomen) | stressevent_response_adu_q_1_zc | EQEVENT30 | EARQ | 18+ | | i have started to demonstrate and to campaign | Ik ben gaan demonstreren en actievoeren | stressevent_response_adu_q_1_zd | EQEVENT31 | EARQ | 18+ | | i have tried to remain proud of the region where i live | Ik heb geprobeerd trots te blijven op de regio waar ik in woon | stressevent_response_adu_q_1_ze | EQEVENT32 | EARQ | 18+ | | i have looked up as much information as possible about this event | Ik heb zoveel mogelijk informatie over deze gebeurtenis gezocht | stressevent_response_adu_q_1_zf | EQEVENT33 | EARQ | 18+ | | i have tried to understand as well as possible what has happened or is happening - in the context of this event | Ik heb geprobeerd zo goed mogelijk te begrijpen wat er precies gebeurde of gebeurt - met betrekking tot deze gebeurtenis | stressevent_response_adu_q_1_zg | EQEVENT34 | EARQ | 18+ | | i have supported and helped others who are dealing with the same event | Ik heb anderen die met dezelfde gebeurtenis kampen gesteund en geholpen | stressevent_response_adu_q_1_zh | EQEVENT35 | EARQ | 18+ | | i have, together with others, tried to give the region new impulses (e.g. set up citizen initiatives) | Ik heb, samen met anderen, geprobeerd de regio nieuwe impulsen te geven (bv bewonersinitiatieven opzetten) | stressevent_response_adu_q_1_zi | EQEVENT36 | EARQ | 18+ | | i have talked with others who also experience the same event | Ik heb veel gepraat met anderen die deze gebeurtenis ook meemaken | stressevent_response_adu_q_1_zj | EQEVENT37 | EARQ | 18+ | | i have united with others who experience the same event | Ik heb me verenigd met anderen die dezelfde gebeurtenis meemaken | stressevent_response_adu_q_1_zk | EQEVENT38 | EARQ | 18+ | | i have made plans to move away from the region | Ik heb plannen gemaakt om te verhuizen uit de regio | stressevent_response_adu_q_1_zl | EQEVENT39 | EARQ | 18+ | | i thought a lot about how you can actually do very little or nothing in response to this event | Ik heb er veel over nagedacht dat je eigenlijk weinig tot niets in reactie op deze gebeurtenis kan doen | stressevent_response_adu_q_1_zm | EQEVENT40 | EARQ | 18+ |