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unfixed_variables [2024/10/31 16:48]
jasper_zwerver created
unfixed_variables [2024/10/31 16:51] (current)
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 ====== Unfixable variables ====== ====== Unfixable variables ======
-Seldomly, we find [[variables]] that contain mistakes or inconsistencies. Most of the time these mistakes or inconsistencies will be corrected. However, it is possible that some of them can either not be corrected, or that correcting them now results in more negative than positive ​ones. Below is a list of variables we have found to contain mistakes or inconsistencies,​ but are unable to be corrected.+Seldomly, we find [[Sections|variables]] that contain mistakes or inconsistencies. Most of the time these mistakes or inconsistencies will be corrected. However, it is possible that some of them can either not be corrected, or that correcting them now results in more negative than positive ​outcomes. Below is a list of variables we have found to contain mistakes or inconsistencies,​ but are unable to be corrected, with an explanation what the error is.
unfixed_variables.1730389701.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2024/10/31 16:48 by jasper_zwerver