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proxy [2020/09/22 12:24]
trynke created
proxy [2020/10/06 11:55] (current)
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 ====== 1A Proxy Interview ====== ====== 1A Proxy Interview ======
-Adult participants+Adult Lifelines ​participants ​who were not able to independently fill in the [[1A|baseline]] questionnaires,​ for example due to mental or physical problems, could choose to undergo a short interview on the location of [[1A visit 1]].\\ 
 +Elderly participants who scored less than 26 points on the [[Mini mental state examination|MMSE]] during [[1A visit 1]] also underwent the proxy interview rather than the questionnaires.\\ 
 +In total, **~3500** participants underwent the proxy.\\
 ===== Protocol ===== ===== Protocol =====
-The proxy interview was performed between a participant, with or without an assisting family member or caretaker, ​and the research assistant on the location of [[1A Visit 1]].+The proxy interview was performed between a participant and the research assistant on the location of [[1A Visit 1]]. 
 +The assistant stated the questions slowly and clearly, and filled in the answers on a computer screen. 
 +If the participant had difficulty answering, a family member or caretaker - if present - was allowed to help the participants with the answers. 
 +===== Variables ===== 
 +The proxy interview contained variables in the following sections and subsections:​ 
 +  * [[Demographics]]:​ [[Personal data]] 
 +  * [[Demographics]]:​ [[Education]] 
 +  * [[Demographics]]:​ [[Nationality & ethnicity]] 
 +  * [[Demographics]]:​ [[Family composition]] 
 +  * [[Demographics]]:​ [[Household composition]] 
 +  * [[Demographics]]:​ [[Employment status]] 
 +  * [[Demographics]]:​ [[Profession]] 
 +  * [[Diseases & symptoms]]: [[Cardiovascular diseases]] 
 +  * [[Diseases & symptoms]]: [[Respiratory diseases]] 
 +  * [[Diseases & symptoms]]: [[Blood disorders]] 
 +  * [[Diseases & symptoms]]: [[Cancer]] 
 +  * [[Diseases & symptoms]]: [[Diabetes]] 
 +  * [[Diseases & symptoms]]: [[Kidney & bladder diseases]] 
 +  * [[Diseases & symptoms]]: [[Musculoskeletal conditions]] 
 +  * [[Diseases & symptoms]]: [[Neurological disorders]] 
 +  * [[Diseases & symptoms]]: [[Mental illnesses]] 
 +  * [[Lifestyle & environment]]:​ [[Smoking & tobacco use]] 
 +  * [[Lifestyle & environment]]:​ [[Home environment (general)]] 
proxy.1600770276.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/09/22 12:24 by trynke