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dutch_healthy_diet_index [2023/01/13 16:57]
dutch_healthy_diet_index [2025/02/05 14:49] (current)
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 The DHD index scores for Lifelines were developed by researchers from [[https://​​nl/​Personen/​|Wageningen University and Research]] and is a tool to assess a participant'​s own diet quality and adherence to the 2015 Dutch dietary guidelines. On the Lifelines data, the [[Lifelines Diet Score]] has been developed as well, which is a tool to assess relative diet quality to the overall Lifelines population. The DHD index scores for Lifelines were developed by researchers from [[https://​​nl/​Personen/​|Wageningen University and Research]] and is a tool to assess a participant'​s own diet quality and adherence to the 2015 Dutch dietary guidelines. On the Lifelines data, the [[Lifelines Diet Score]] has been developed as well, which is a tool to assess relative diet quality to the overall Lifelines population.
-The DHD index will soon be available for request ​in the Lifelines catalogue or by email ( When this data has been used in your research, you will have to include a reference to the the following ​paper+The DHD index can be requested ​in the [[|Lifelines catalogue]]. When this data has been used in your research, you will have to include a reference to the the following ​papers
-  * A.M. Baart et al. (2021) ​Dietary ​Intake ​in the Lifelines Cohort Study: Baseline ​Results ​from the Flower Food Frequency Questionnaire ​among 59,​982 ​ParticipantsNutrients 2022, 14(1)48https://​​10.3390/nu14010048+  * [[https://​​nu14010048|Baart, A. Mireille, ​et al. "Dietary ​intake ​in the lifelines cohort study: Baseline ​results ​from the flower food frequency questionnaire ​among 59,​982 ​participants."​ Nutrients 14.1 (2021)48.]]  
 +  * [[https://​​10.1038/s41430-023-01372-x|Baart,​ A. Mireille, et al. "​Assessment of the Dutch Healthy Diet index 2015 in the Lifelines cohort study at baseline."​ European Journal 
 +        of Clinical Nutrition 78.3 (2024): 217-227]].
 \\ \\
 ===== The DHD index===== ===== The DHD index=====
dutch_healthy_diet_index.1673625420.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/02/05 14:49 (external edit)