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changed_variable_names [2024/10/31 16:21]
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 ======Overview changed variable names ====== ======Overview changed variable names ======
-Occasionally,​ [[sections|variable names]] have been changed in the Lifelines database, for example if the original variable name was deemed confusing, ​[[too informal]], unexpected, inconsistent,​ or incorrect. In some cases we stopped releasing a variable and changed its name to include the term _deprecated.+Occasionally,​ [[sections|variable names]] have been changed in the Lifelines database, for example if the original variable name was deemed confusing, too informal, unexpected, inconsistent,​ or incorrect. In some cases we stopped releasing a variable and changed its name to include the term _deprecated.
 Original names may still be present in older data issues, but can no longer be found in the data catalogue. Original names may still be present in older data issues, but can no longer be found in the data catalogue.
changed_variable_names.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/10/31 16:21 by jasper_zwerver