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secure_flourish_index_sfi [2023/11/17 11:07]
laura created
secure_flourish_index_sfi [2023/11/17 11:10]
laura [Secure Flourish Index (SFI)]
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 ====== Secure Flourish Index (SFI) ====== ====== Secure Flourish Index (SFI) ======
-The Secure Flourish Index (SFI) measures ​various ​domains of well-being. The SFI was implemented in [[start|Lifelines]] in the context of an [[additional assessments|additional assessment]]:​ [[MHDQ]]. The included questions are about the relationship with your parents while growing up. This questionnaire was not validated and translated by Lifelines.+The [[https://​​28705870/​|Secure Flourish Index (SFI)]] measures ​six domains of well-being: 1) happiness and life satisfaction,​ 2) mental and physical health, 3) meaning and purpose, 4) character and virtue, 5) close social relationships,​ and 6) financial and material stability\\ 
 +The SFI was implemented in [[start|Lifelines]] in the context of an [[additional assessments|additional assessment]]:​ [[MHDQ]]. The included questions are about the relationship with your parents while growing up. This questionnaire was not validated and translated by Lifelines.
 \\ \\
 \\ \\
 ===== Variables ===== ===== Variables =====
-| **Label English** ​                                                                                     | **Label Dutch** ​                                                                                          ​| **Code** ​               | **Variable** ​ | **Assessment** ​ | **Age** ​ |+| **Label English** ​                                                                             | **Label Dutch** ​                                                                                    ​| **Code** ​                 | **Variable** ​ | **Assessment** ​ | **Age**  ​
 +| overall, how satisfied are you with life as a whole these days?                                | over het algemeen, hoe tevreden bent u met uw leven op dit moment? ​                                 | secure_flourish_adu_q_01 ​ | dend11 ​       | [[MHDQ]] ​       | 18+      | 
 +| in general, how happy or unhappy do you usually feel?                                          | hoe gelukkig of ongelukkig voelt u zich over het algemeen? ​                                         | secure_flourish_adu_q_02 ​ | dend12 ​       | [[MHDQ]] ​       | 18+      | 
 +| in general, how would you rate your physical health? ​                                          | wat vindt u, over het algemeen genomen, van uw lichamelijke gezondheid? ​                            | secure_flourish_adu_q_03 ​ | dend13 ​       | [[MHDQ]] ​       | 18+      | 
 +| how would you rate your overall mental health? ​                                                | wat vindt u, over het algemeen genomen, van uw mentale gezondheid? ​                                 | secure_flourish_adu_q_04 ​ | dend14 ​       | [[MHDQ]] ​       | 18+      | 
 +| overall, to what extent do you feel the things you do in your life are worthwhile? ​            | over het algemeen, in hoeverre voelt u dat de dingen die u doet in uw leven, de moeite waard zijn?  | secure_flourish_adu_q_05 ​ | dend15 ​       | [[MHDQ]] ​       | 18+      | 
 +| i understand my purpose in life                                                                | ik begrijp mijn doel in het leven                                                                   | secure_flourish_adu_q_06 ​ | dend16 ​       | [[MHDQ]] ​       | 18+      | 
 +| i always act to promote good in all circstances,​ even in difficult and challenging situations ​ | ik streef ernaar goed te doen in alle omstandigheden,​ ook als deze moeilijk en uitdagend zijn       | secure_flourish_adu_q_07 ​ | dend17 ​       | [[MHDQ]] ​       | 18+      | 
 +| i am always able to give up some happiness now for greater happiness later                     | ik ben altijd in staat om nu wat geluk in te leveren voor meer geluk later                          | secure_flourish_adu_q_08 ​ | dend18 ​       | [[MHDQ]] ​       | 18+      | 
 +| i am content with my friendships and relationships ​                                            | ik ben tevreden met de vriendschappen en relaties die ik heb                                        | secure_flourish_adu_q_09 ​ | dend19 ​       | [[MHDQ]] ​       | 18+      | 
 +| my relationships are as satisfying as i would want them to be                                  | de relaties die ik met anderen heb geven mij zoveel voldoening als ik zou willen ​                   | secure_flourish_adu_q_10 ​ | dend20 ​       | [[MHDQ]] ​       | 18+      | 
 +| how often do you worry about being able to meet normal monthly living expenses? ​               | hoe vaak maakt u zich zorgen of u (elke maand) rond kan komen? ​                                     | secure_flourish_adu_q_11 ​ | dend21 ​       | [[MHDQ]] ​       | 18+      | 
 +| how often do you worry about safety, food, or housing? ​                                        | hoe vaak maakt u zich zorgen over veiligheid, voeding, of huisvesting? ​                             | secure_flourish_adu_q_12 ​ | dend22 ​       | [[MHDQ]] ​       | 18+      ​|
secure_flourish_index_sfi.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/17 11:10 by laura